Politics : Kosova: Kosovo Final Status Talks Possible Mid-2005-U.S. |
Kosovo Final Status Talks Possible
Mid-2005-U.S. Tue November 4, 2003 10:53 AM ET
By John Chalmers BRUSSELS, Belgium (Reuters) - Talks on Kosovo's final status could start in mid-2005 if the breakaway Serbian province under U.N. administration meets rule-of-law, democracy and other standards by then, a senior U.S. official said Tuesday. "The proposition is that if Kosovars can meet these standards there will be a review of where they stand in mid-2005," U.S. Deputy Undersecretary for Political Affairs Marc Grossman told reporters at NATO headquarters in Brussels. "If they can meet these standards we will all then be prepared to begin the process of discussing final status for Kosovo." Speaking ahead of a visit to the Western Balkans, Grossman said if the standards were not met then, the six-nation Contact Group supervising Balkan diplomacy would set a new date. Kosovo was put under U.N. rule in 1999 after NATO bombing to end Serbian repression of the province's majority ethnic Albanians under then Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic. Serbian and Kosovo Albanian officials had talked recently of a likely date sometime in 2005 for final status talks, but Grossman's statement was the first indication that Western powers saw a similar timetable. It was also the first time Washington had spoken of a review, which will be seen as a major incentive for the Kosovo Albanians to embrace democratic values, implement minority rights for Serbs and embark on economic reform. In Belgrade, Serbia's top negotiator on Kosovo, Deputy Prime Minister Nebojsa Covic, said Grossman's statement "represents a sharpening of focus on Kosovo and introduces a timeframe." "It is important that we have clearly defined standards which have to be measurable: otherwise how will we be able to say they have been met?" Covic told reporters. SPECTER OF INDEPENDENCE Belgrade and Pristina held their first direct talks since the Kosovo war last month in Vienna under pressure from the international community to reconcile by tackling practical problems like power supply and missing persons. The two sides remain bitterly divided, with Serbia insisting Kosovo remains part of its territory and Albanians demanding independence from Belgrade. Diplomats say the Vienna meeting was a flop. Not only was the encounter frosty, but it was boycotted by Kosovo's ethnic Albanian prime minister. Expert groups which were supposed to continue the reconciliation talks have not met. Covic raised a specter haunting big powers: a domino effect if Balkan borders are changed by the creation of an independent Kosovo, drawing a map of enlarged, mono-ethnic states. "If the international community allows democratic Albanians to separate from democratic Serbia, then it also has to allow democratic Serbs to separate from democratic Bosnia," he said, referring to the Republika Srpska part of the Bosnia federation. "I am not for the policy of changing borders, but the secession of Kosovo would be a change of borders," Covic said. The breakup of Bosnia would leave a barely viable rump state and
could tempt Bosnia's Croats to also seek secession and union with a
Greater Croatia. Kosovo, the domino theory runs, would join Albania,
perhaps taking a third of Macedonia with it. (Additional reporting by
Julijana Mojsilovic in Belgrade). |
Faqe 19 - Bota & Rajon |
6Nentor 2003 |
Nė 2005 shpėrbėhet edhe aleanca e re Serbi-Mali i Zi
Parlamenti Evropian: Statusi i Kosovės brenda 2 vjetėsh
Nga korrespondenti ynė nė Bruksel, Ernest Bunguri |
Komisioni i Jashtėm i Parlamentit Evropian votoi tė martėn fillimin e bisedimeve mbi Statusin pėrfundimtar tė Kosovės, dhe vendimin brenda 2 vjetėsh. Seanca plenare e fundnėntorit, ku do tė votojnė tė gjithė europarlamentarėt, vulos propozimin e raportuesit Lagendejk, i cili e pret me optimizėm. Propozimi i Joost Lagendejk, raportuesit pėr Ballkanin, pėr marrjen e njė vendimi mbi statusin e Kosovės brenda 2 vjetėsh, kaloi tė martėn provėn e parė. Komisioni i Jashtėm i Parlamentit Evropian votoi datėn e pėrcaktuar nga eurodeputeti holandez, duke kapėrcyer pa problem kundėrshtimet e disa parlamentarėve qė preferonin tė mos flitej pėr njė limit kohor tė pėrcaktuar. Kėshtu nuk mund tė vazhdohet mė! Kosovarėt duhet ta dinė se ku shkojnė dhe ne, evropianėt, duhet ta dimė se ēfarė shteti duam tė integrojnė nė BE, sa mė shpejt tė jetė e mundur, pėrndryshe do tė jetė shumė vonė, insiston Lagendejk, njė ditė para votimit tė raportit final nga Komisioni i Jashtėm. Disa nga pjesėmarrėsit nė sallė, mė shumė tė kujdesshėm se dashakeqas, nuk u pajtuan me propozimin pėr datėn, pasi kjo e fundit mund tė koinēidojė me pėrballjen me njė problem tjetėr tė koklavitur nė Ballkan: shpėrbėrja e Serbisė dhe Malit tė Zi. Kjo e fundit ėshtė e pashmangshme, pasi Evropa ka insistuar mė kot nė krijimin e njė shteti tė pėrbashkėt, dy pjesėt e tė cilit i mėshojnė ēdo ditė e mė shumė ndarjes, shpjegon raportuesi Lagendejk, i cili nė tė njėjtė kohė propozon dhe tėrheqjen e Evropės nė njė pozicion mė neutral nė kėtė ēėshtje. Por edhe nėse nė vitin 2005 do tė ndeshemi me shpėrbėrjen e Serbisė dhe Malit tė Zi, dhe vendimin mbi statusin pėrfundimtar tė Kosovės nė tė njėjtėn kohė, kjo gjė nuk na pengon tė fillojmė qė sot bisedimet pėr zgjidhjen sa mė tė shpejtė tė kėtyre dy problemeve madhore nė Ballkan, shton raportuesi. Sipas tij, i takon Bashkimit Evropian drejtimi dhe pėrgjegjėsia kryesore mbi kėto dy ēėshtje, sidomos pas tėrheqjes sė amerikanėve nga Ballkani, dhe implikimi i kėtyre tė fundit nė konflikte tė tjera nė Botė. Insistimi i holandezit i bindi kolegėt e Komisionit tė Jashtėm, tė cilėt tė martėn votuan edhe pėr datėn, duke nėnvizuar nė raport qė do tė ishte e preferueshme qė njė vendim pėr Statusin e Kosovės tė merrej brenda 2 vjetėsh. Vendimi i eurodeputetėve tė kėtij Komisioni koinēidoi dhe me deklaratėn e ndihmėssekretarit amerikan Grosman, po nė Bruksel, gjatė vizitės sė tij nė Kėshillin e NATO-s. |
2003 Gazeta Panorama