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Faqe 19 - Bota

5Shtator 2003

Maqedoni/ Flet Ali Jakupi: “Na sulmuan me helikopter, ne filluam luftėn”
“Maqedonia tė bėhet protektorat”
Jakupi: Cėrvenkovski, i implikuar nė vrasjen e Gjingjiēit



Ish-komandanti i Ushtrisė Ēlirimtare Kombėtare (UĒK) dhe tani AKSH, Avdil Jakupi, i njohur ndryshme me emrin “Ēakalla” ėshtė shprehur se njė sulm i ri maqedonas me helikopter ėshtė shėnuar dje, rreth mesditės, nė rrethinat e fshatit tė Vaksincės.

Mėsohet se kėtij sulmi, qė ka zgjatur deri nė orėn 19:00 tė pasdites i janė kundėrpėrgjigjur forcat e ish-UĒK-sė. Ndėrkohė, Ministria e Brendshme e Maqedonisė ka mohuar kategorisht qė tė ketė patur njė sulm tė tillė nė kėto rrethina. Ndėrsa ėshtė pakėsuar numri i forcave tė policisė dhe trupave speciale, qė mbanin tė rrethuara fshatrat e Kumanovės, gjitashtu po dje ėshtė rishfaqur publikisht i shumėkėrkuari, Avdil Jakupi me njė deklaratė kėrcėnuese. I ashtuquajturi “Komandant i AKSH-sė, Avdil Jakupi, kėrcėnoi dje nė njė intervistė pėr televizionin bullgar “BTV” se do tė fillonte njė luftė pėr shpėrbėrjen e Maqedonisė. “Maqedonia nuk mund tė jetė njė shtet, pasi Kryeministri Branko Cėrvenkovski ėshtė njė kriminel i implikuar nė atentatin kundėr Zoran Gjingjiē”, ish-shefit tė qeverisė serbe, i vrarė nė mars nė Beograd. “Prandaj ne jemi tė revoltuar dhe do tė fillojmė njė luftė”, deklaroi Avdil Jakupi, nė njė intervistė telefonike. “Maqedonia duhet tė bėhet njė protektorat nėn kujdesin e Evropės dhe Shteteve tė Bashkuara”, vlerėsoi udhėheqėsi, i cili kėrkohet nga policia maqedonase. Nga ana tjetėr, Jakupi vlerėsoi se “nuk ka vend” pėr politikanė nė Armatėn Kombėtare Shqiptare dhe se “Ali Ahmeti ka degraduar”. “Jam unė komandanti i ushtrisė qė vepron nė territorin maqedonas”, konfirmoi Avdil Jakupi. Ndėrkaq, zvogėlimi i numrit tė forcave tė sigurisė maqedonase nga rajoni i krizės ėshtė bėrė dje realitet. Pėr pėrfaqėsuesit shqiptarė, kjo ka ardhur si rezultat i kompromisit nė takimin e Kumanovės, ndėrsa pėr Ministrinė e Mbrojtjes si njė lėvizje normale e planifikuar mė parė. Sidoqoftė, edhe zėdhėnėsja e pėrfaqėsisė sė Bashkimit Evropian nė Shkup, Irena Gjyzelova konfirmon faktin se forcat policore janė nė numėr mė tė vogėl. Megjithatė vazhdon rrethimi pėr kapjen e Jakupit dhe disa tė tjerėve qė e shoqėrojnė.

“U parandalua konflikti eventual”

Zėvendėsministri i brendshėm i Maqedonisė, Hazbi Lika, nė njė intervistė pėr VOA, lidhur me zhvillimet e fundit nė Maqedoni, tha se deri tani, disa takime qė janė bėrė nė frymėn e dialogut kanė rezultuar tė suksesesshme, sepse kanė parandaluar njė konflikt eventual, tė cilin nuk e dėshiron askush kėtu nė Maqedoni: as shqiptarėt, as maqedonasit, as institucionet e shtetit. Momentalisht, ekziston njė gjendje e rėndė, por nė kėto situata, sigurisht, ka edhe dezinformata, tė llojeve tė ndryshme”. Mė tej ai theksoi se “situata ndryshon herė pas here nė mėnyrė intesive, mirėpo sido qė tė jetė, policia nuk ka tė drejtė tė futet nėpėr vendbanimet, nuk ka tė drejtė tė gjuajė, vetėm nė rast sulmi, mund tė vetėmbrohet, qė ėshtė diēka normale. Ne, momentalisht, jemi nė pėrpjekje pėr ta zgjidhur kėtė situatė, pėr ta tejkaluar atė pa pasoja”, tha zoti Lika.

RFE/RL NEWSLINE Vol. 7, No. 169, Part II, 5 September 2003
Minister Bajram Rexhepi told Reuters in Prishtina on 5 September that
Serbia has no future in the province. He stressed that "after the
[1999] war, the Serbs have no moral credibility in Kosova. It is not
possible to go back. And in the end if we cannot realize our
ambitions [to attain independence], we are ready to pay any price for
Kosova." Rexhepi added that the international community should
provide Kosova with a "road map" for its political future to help
ensure stability and security. Blerim Shala, the publisher of the
daily "Zeri," told the news agency "the Serbs know they've lost
Kosova. But they want to sell it for the highest price. The price is
the issue." Shala was perhaps alluding to recent remarks by Serbian
Deputy Prime Minister Nebojsa Covic to the effect that if Kosova
becomes independent, then the Republika Srpska should also receive
the right to self-determination (see "RFE/RL Newsline," 4 September
2003, and "RFE/RL Balkan Report," 1, 15, and 22 August and 5
September 2003). PM

... On 4
September, Serbia and Montenegro's parliament approved a resolution
submitted by the governing Democratic Opposition of Serbia (DOS)
coalition and Montenegro's Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS),
reaffirming Belgrade's claim to the province, RFE/RL's South Slavic
and Albanian Languages Service reported. DOS deputies Dragan
Veselinov and Radoje Prica called on the government to offer
partition as an option in future talks on Kosova (see "RFE/RL
Newsline," 4 September 2003, and "RFE/RL Balkan Report," 1, 15, and
22 August and 5 September 2003). Serbian Prime Minister Zoran
Zivkovic stressed that an independent Kosova is the "dangerous dream
of Albanian extremists" that Serbia will never accept. On a recent
visit to Washington, he said that "there are three things Serbs
cannot stand: an independent Kosovo, NATO, and the United States"
(see "RFE/RL Newsline," 6 August 2003). PM

September Moscow meeting of the international Contact Group on Kosova
apparently did not lead to any new proposals or breakthroughs, simply
calling for the early launching of a Belgrade-Prishtina "dialogue"
and stating that it is "too early" to address the question of status,
RFE/RL's South Slavic and Albanian Languages Service reported (see
"RFE/RL Newsline," 4 September 2003). PM

RFE/RL NEWSLINE Vol. 7, No. 168, Part II, 4 September 2003
SERBIA KEEPS UP TOUGH TALK TO ALBANIA. Aleksandra Joksimovic, who is
assistant foreign minister of Serbia and Montenegro, said in Belgrade
on 3 September that the Albanian parliament's recent resolution
condemning the Serbian legislature's declaration on Kosova "is a
gross violation and interference in the internal affairs of a
neighboring country," Reuters reported. "It is an effort to exert an
influence and to destabilize the situation in the region, which is
something Serbia and Montenegro cannot allow. I'm afraid that these
actions lead to blocking the only way towards establishing confidence
and finding a solution for Kosovo," Joksimovic added. The Foreign
Ministry has formally protested the Albanian resolution. Joksimovic
is but one of several Serbian officials who have used strong rhetoric
regarding Kosova and other neighboring states recently in advance of
elections that are widely expected within the next 12 months (see
"RFE/RL Newsline," 28 and 29 August and 2 and 3 September 2003, and
"RFE/RL Balkan Report," 1, 8, 15, and 22 August 2003). PM

Kosova's cabinet approved a declaration on 3
September urging the UN Security Council to declare invalid the
Serbian parliament's recent declaration on Kosova, RFE/RL's South
Slavic and Albanian Languages Service reported (see "RFE/RL
Newsline," 29 and 29 August and 2 September 2003, and "RFE/RL Balkan
Report," 1 and 22 September 2003). The government also appealed to
the Macedonian authorities to strictly implement the 2001 Ohrid
agreement that ended the interethnic conflict there. Prime Minister
Bajram Rexhepi called on the latest Moscow meeting of the
international Contact Group of major powers not to take any decision
about the province that runs against the will of its people. PM