E Hene, 18 Prill 2005
Nga partite e Djathta , te vogla, per cilen do te votonit ?
PDR (Pollo)
 [tally] 16%
PDK (Lesi)
 [tally] 20%
PR (Mediu)
 [tally] 23%
PBL (Starova)
 [tally] 4%
PBK (Selfo)
 [tally] 3%
LZHK (Zogu)
 [tally] 35%
Per tre partite qe quhen te medha, per cilen do te votonit?
PS (Nano)
 [tally] 15%
PD (Berisha)
 [tally] 61%
LSI (Meta)
 [tally] 24%
Per partite Majta, te vogla, per cilen do te votonit?
PSD (Gjinushi)
 [tally] 21%
PBDNJ (Dule)
 [tally] 17%
PAA (Xhuveli)
 [tally] 12%
PAD (Ceka)
 [tally] 24%
PDS (Milo)
 [tally] 27%

Faqja 6 - POLITIKE

Prill 18, 2005

Programi: Pronat sipas tapive tė kohės sė Zogut
LZHK: Referendum pėr Monarkinė
"Do kthejmė dėnimin me vdekje nė vend"


Vendosjen e dėnimit me vdekje pėr njė periudhė 5- vjeēare, pėr disa krime tepėr tė rėnda; referendum pėr pėrcaktimin e sistemit qeverisės; kthimi i pronave sipas tapive tė nxjerra gjatė qeverisjes sė Ahmet Zogut. Kėto janė tri nga pikat kryesore tė programit tė Lėvizjes pėr Zhvillim Kombėtar, i cili u miratua vetėm dy ditė mė parė nga kėshilli ekzekutiv i saj. Nė program thuhet se ndryshimi nė Kodin Penal ka si qėllim afrimin me dinjitet dhe qetėsi nė Bashkimin Europian dhe jo pėr t'u larguart prej tij. Kjo ėshtė mėnyra qė LZHK ka zgjedhur pėr t'i treguar Europės se shqiptarėt janė nė gjendje pėr ta vetėvendosur kontrollin mbi territorin e vet, pėr tė bllokuar trafiqet, krimin e organizuar. Pėrsa i pėrket rendit, LZHK parashikon ndėrmarrjen e reformave radikale, duke filluar qė nga krijimi i xhandarmėrisė shqiptare.

Regjimi dhe pronat
Nė programin e LZHK-sė nėnvizohet se sistemi qeverisės i njė vendi duhet tė zgjidhet nga vetė qytetarėt e tij. Pėr tė parė se cila ėshtė zgjedhja e qytetarėve, lind nevoja e zhvillimit tė njė referendumi, "kur kushtet politike dhe dėshira popullore do ta ndiejnė tė nevojshme". LZHK-ja premton respektimin e tė drejtės sė pronės. Nė progarimin e saj thuhet se do tė abrogohen tė gjitha ligjet e miratuara deri mė tani pėr pronėn dhe kthimi i saj do tė bėhet nė bazė tė tapive tė tokės, tė nxjerra gjatė qeverisjes sė mbretit Ahmet Zogu.


- Vendosjen e dėnimit me vdekje pėr njė periudhė 5-vjeēare, pėr disa krime tepėr tė rėnda.
- Referendum pėr pėrcaktimin e regjimit qeverisės.
- Kthimi i pronave sipas tapive tė nxjerra gjatė qeverisjes sė Ahmet Zogut.
- Abrogimi i tė gjitha ligjeve pėr token.
- Dėmshpėrblimi i ish-tė pėrndjekurve politikė, brenda 6 vjetėsh.
- Krijimi i xhandarmėrisė shqiptare.
- Mėnjanim tė ndikimeve tė politikės mbi gjyqėsorin.
- Evidentimi i tė paaftėve nė sistemin gjyqėsor.
- Zbatim i rreptė i ligjit pėr arsimin e detyrueshėm.
- Reforma reale nė sistemin e shėndetėsisė.
- Reforma nė sistemin e mbrojtjes


E Diele, 17 Prill 2005
LSI: Qeveria mashtroi publikun
Levizja Socialiste per Integrim ka reaguar ndaj letres qe komisioneri europian per zgjerimin, Oli Rehn, i ka derguar Kryeministrit Fatos Nano, pak dite me pare. Sekretari Nderkombetar i LSI, Edmond Haxhinasto, ka deklaruar dje se "letra e komisionerit Rehn tregon se qeveria, ka mashtruar publikun shqiptar, kur ne me shume se nje rast, ka deklaruar se Marreveshja e Stabilizim Asociimit do te konkludohet perpara zgjedhjeve te pergjithshme te ketij viti". Sipas zyrtarit te LSI-se, partia e tij shpreh shqetesimin se kushtezimi i ecurise se metejshme te procesit te integrimit, tashme edhe me zhvillimin e zgjedhjeve te lira e te ndershme, tregon per nje faze kritike te demokracise ne Shqiperi edhe pas 15 vjetesh pluralizem, gje per te cilen jane pergjegjese forcat tradicionale politike.

"LSI vlereson se qeveria aktuale reagon me papergjegjshmeri te plote dhe me mungese te theksuar serioziteti ndaj paralajmerimeve te perseritura nga ana e BE per mungese progresi ne luften kunder krimit te organizuar e korrupsionit, ne funksionimin e gjyqsorit apo ne administraten doganore", ka deklaruar Haxhinasto.


Lista e 30 kandidateve:

1 - Ilir META, Skrapar

2 - Ilir CENOLLI, Devoll

3 - Sulejman MUCA, Bulqize

4 - Artan DAFA, Permet

5 - Xhelil ALIU, Tepelene

6 - Hydajet PONARI, Tropoje

7 - Qemal ELEZI, Kukes

8 - Viktor TUSHA, Lezhe

9 - Novruz BARA, Lezhe

10 - Gjovalin BUSHI, Mirdite

11 - Dashamir XHIKA, Cerrik

12 - Pjerin NDREU, Puke

13 - Eduard BELEGU, Pogradec

14 - Luan TOPCIU, Pogradec

15 - Filloreta KODRA, Korce

16 - Mehmet BICAKU, Librazhd

17 - Bujar KLLOGJERI, Librazhd

18 - Ilir MUSTAFARAJ, Gjirokaster

19 - Prof.Dr. Fatos KLOSI, Mallakaster

20 - Mustafa MUCI, Berat

21 - Eduard BEJKO, Berat

22 - Albert PILO, Berat

23 - Lefter MALIQI, Berat

24 - Andi SHAHINI, Shijak

25 - Agim SELENICA, Kolonje

26 - Gani MOKA, Ishem-Sukth-Manez

27 - Agim HYSA, Burrel

28 - Besnik SANA, Burrel

29 - Enver ROSHI, Gramsh

30 - Tokli THOMAI, Lushnje
 Besnik Mustafaj holds press conference
The secretary of public relations of Democratic Party (DP), Besnik Mustafaj made a press conference yeaterday thanking the ambassador Saltzman for the attention of the European Union shown towards the risk form the use of laundered money of the candidates with a doubtful identity that the Socialist Party is approaching.According to Mustafaj this is a very serious risk which the European Union has made evident not for the first time. The same concern the ambassador Saltzman expressed last September, that is a lot of time before the electoral campaign. He said that the credibility the European Union wants from this parliament coming from these elections is the first prerequisite of the coming elections. Mustafaj said: “The worst example is with very bad consequences created by Socialist Parties four years before by integrating into politics the model of Agron Duka constitutes now a risk which is spreading fast at the Socialist Party with other candidates in many zones”. He mentioned as a flagrant example the Shkodra candidate without wanting to declare other names. He said that the socialist party should not put the interests of Albania spoiled by these laundered money, trafficking and smuggling money which risk to corrupt the integration process of Albania by taking a parliamentary immunity. Regarding the letter sent from the EU headquarters to prime minister Nano, Mustafaj said that this is not the first time that Nano is hiding critical documents coming from Brussels. This how he works and operates, like a ostrich who hides his head into the sand in the hope to hide the body of this discredited ruling majority. He said that: ”That is, this is not the first time Nano and his staff is trying to paly the part of ostrich hoping to hide the the Albanian people and European community the reality which needs to be changed. Mustafaj emphasized that such behavior damages the credibility, and the stature of a government, damages the image of Albania and that of Albanian institutions towards the European Union and other international institutions.