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Faqja 8 -
Gusht 27, 2005 |
Nė ligjin e hartuar pėr zgjedhjet nga PS dhe PD parashikohet
asgjesimi e fletėve tė votimit
Kodi "digjen" votat e proporcionalit
Meta dhe Shehi, asnjė provė pėr tė vėrtetuar votat e tyre
Artemida Ēollaku
Akuzat |
Armando Meta Mazi- Kuko
Zgjedhja e ministrit tė Jashtėm mėsohet se
po mban "peng" formimin e plotė tė kabinetit "Berisha".
Pėr momentin kjo duket se ėshtė "nyja gordiane", tė
cilėn duhet tėzgjidhė kryeministri Sali Berisha, i cili pret tė
mandatohet nė Kuvend. Burime tė besueshme brenda koalicionit
qeverisės bėjnė tė ditur pėr "Gazetėn" se Berisha nė
pėrpjekje pėr tė ruajtur baraspeshimin politik brenda PD-sė, po
kėrkon njė zgjidhje jashtė pėrplasjeve midis figurave qendrore tė
kėsaj partie. Mėsohet se dy kandidaturat tė cilat janė nė vėmendje
tė madhe tė tij pėr numrin njė tė diplomacisė shqiptare, janė
ato tė diplomatėve tė karrierės Zef Mazi dhe Artur Kuko.
Biografia profesionale nė lėmin e diplomacisė e Mazit dhe e Kukos
ėshtė mjaft e pasur. Kėta tė dy kanė pėr momentin funksione
mjaft tė rėndėsishme nė rang ambasadorėsh tė Shqipėrisė nė
institucione mjaft tė rėndėsishme ndėrkombėtare. Mazi
aktualisht ėshtė ambasador i Shqipėrisė nė OSBE. Ai ka njė kohė
tė gjatė nė kėtė funksion me njė ndėrprerje mjaft tė shkurtėr
kohe, gjatė sė cilės ka punuar nė Agjencinė e OKB-sė pėr
Energjinė- Bėrthamore. Mazi ka qenė dhe kandidat pėr postin e
Sekretarit tė Pėrgjithshėm tė OSBE. Ndėrsa Kuko pėr njė kohė
tė gjatė vazhdon tė jetė ambasador i Shqipėrisė nė Bashkimin
Pėr piketimin e Kukos dhe Mazit si kandidatura pėr postin e
ministrit tė Jashtėm mėsohet se ka shėrbyer jo vetėm aktiviteti
i tyre i gjatė dhe i dendur nė fushėn e diplomacisė, por edhe
fakti se karriera e tyre profesionale nuk ėshtė cėnuar nga ndėrrimi
i pushteteve nė Shqipėri. Praktikisht, si Mazi ashtu edhe Kuko,
kanė shėrbyer si diplomatė si gjatė qeverisjes sė PD-sė ashtu
edhe tė PS-sė. Pėrpos kėsaj, kėto dy kandidatura ishin edhe nė
qendėr tė vėmendjes pėr arritjen e njėmendėsisė midis Berishės
dhe Nanos, pėr postin e Presidentit nė vitin 2002. Shorti si
kandidat konsensual pėr kėtė post i takoi Kukos, por ky i fundit
me gjithė kėrkesat e Nanos, Metės dhe Berishės, nuk pranoi tė
kandidonte. Duke qenė se Berisha ka deklaruar se integrimi pėrbėn
njė pėrparėsi tė qeverisjes sė tij, kėto dy kandidatura duket
se i shėrbejnė kėtij misioni tė deklaruar, pasi njohin kulisat e
diplomacisė perėndimore. Pavarėsisht nga emri qė Kuko dhe Mazi
kanė nė fushėn e diplomacisė, ēėshtja e integrimit ėshtė
shumė mė komplekse se pėrvoja e tyre, pasi provė ėshtė mėnyra
se si Berisha do tė qeverisė dhe si do tė jenė rezultatet e
qeverisė qė ai do tė drejtojė jo vetėm nė fushėn e reformave,
por edhe tė respektimit tė lirive dhe tė drejtave tė njeriut. Me
gjithė kualitetin qė Kuko dhe Mazi mbartin, vetėm njėri do tė
mbėrrijė nė finish. Mė saktė, zgjedhja mes kėtyre tė dyve
duket se do tė pėrcaktohet me "foto-finish". Mangėsia e
vetme qė ata kanė ėshtė mungesa e pėrvojės nė njė parti
politike. Ndėrkohė nuk kanė munguar edhe komentet e para tė krerėve
tė koalicionit qeverisės, aleatė me PD, rreth kėtyre dy
kandidaturave. Sipas tyre, "zgjedhja e Kukos ose e Mazit nė
postin e ministrit tė Jashtėm nuk do tė shikohej vėngėr nga
Pas vendosjes nė shina tė portofoleve kryesore tė kabinetit "Berisha",
mėsohet se po zhvillohen edhe disa mikropėrplasje pėr portofolet e "dorės
sė dytė". Mė shumė sesa pėrplasje tė drejtpėrdrejta, "duelet"
po zhvillohen me doreza diplomatike. Mėtonjės pėr portofole ministrore janė
edhe Lulzim Basha dhe Aldo Bumēi pėr Ministrinė e Integrimit, Besnik Aliaj
dhe Majlinda Bregu pėr Ministrinė e Rregullimit tė Territorit, Preē Zogaj
dhe Majlinda Bregu pėr Ministrinė e Turizmit dhe tė Kulturės.
Topalli wants the ministry or
she leaves
The coming Prime Minister, Sali Berisha
encountered lately an unpredicted new problem created by the
deputy-chairman of the Democratic Party, Josefina Topalli.This problem
emerged like a thunder in a clear sky considering that the relations
between Berisha and Topalli have been smooth as glass during these
eight years that Topalli has been part of the Democratic Partys
leadership. The deputy-chairman of the Democratic Party, Josefina
Topalli shocked the head of DP displaying a request to Berisha, which
from the manner it is composed resembles more to an ultimatum. DPs
deputy-chairman, Topalli let known to Berisha that in case she will
not be appointed as the Minister of Foreign Affairs in the coming
government (post, for which the chances of other pretenders are
increased a lot), she will leave the Democratic Party to establish a
new party. Initially the chances for Topalli to get this ministry were
increased a lot after the lunch she had with the American ambassador
in Albania, Marcie Ries, but now there are other indices that this
episode was not a confirmation from USA for Topalli to get this post,
but an engagement of the American diplomacy to persuade Topalli to
abandon her ambition using this lunch also to make her understand that
she has a big handicap for the post she pretends, because her level of
English language is not at the required standards for being the
minister of foreign affairs. In fact, the language Topalli masters
better is Italian followed by Russian language, whereas her English
despite the master degree acquired by University of Nebraska branch in
Tirana (whose reputation is being devaluated, becoming like the old
partys school for Youth Euro- Socialist Forum FRESSH),
diploma which was given to her by Arben Malaj hardly qualifies her as
a high-rank English speaker. The international background of
Topallis ultimatum, despite Italian political circles with which
she has cordial relations personified probably better in Mr. Gustavo
Selva, are also the Vaticans circles. What will complicate the
Albanian diplomacy led by Topalli is the fact that in Vatican, where
she has her main supporters, since the Kosovo war, there is a sort of
opposition toward American foreign policy, which is supposed to be the
orientation compass for the coming Albanian policy during DPs
ruling. There are some people in Vatican that have a fixed idea as USA
is conspiring to reduce Vatican to the same state with Costandinopolis
Patriarchy, so in a fictive centre of worlds Catholicism comprised
of independent churches. Ms. Topalli who is a devoted worshipper
expressed all these point of views privately which makes her less
appropriate for this duty as Kosovo case will be on the agenda of
American diplomacy. Here may be consists the hesitation of American
diplomacy on Topalli.
Topalli presion Berishės: Ministrinė e Jashtėme ose do bėj parti tė re |
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