Faqja 5 -
Maj 29, 2005 |
Strukturat e dy partive u tregojnė procedurat ligjore, afati i fundit
1 qershori
Kandidatėt s'dinė tė regjistrohen
PS e LZHK tė shqetėsuar pėr vonesat nė KZZ
Blerina Gjoka
Regjistrimi Afati
a) emrin, atėsinė, mbiemrin, datėlindjen dhe adresėn e kandidatit; b) deklarimin e kandidatit qė ai gėzon tė drejtėn e votės dhe tė drejtėn pėr tė kandiduar pėr nė organin pėr tė cilin konkurron; c) emrin dhe adresėn e njė personi tė emėruar si pėrfaqėsuesi zyrtar i tij, i cili duhet tė gėzojė tė drejtėn e votės; ē) njė listė tė nėnshkruar nga 300 zgjedhės qė banojnė nė atė zonė, emrat e tė cilėve janė nė listat paraprake tė zgjedhėsve, qė mbėshtesin kandidaturėn e tij d) njė deklaratė nga partia dhe/ose koalicioni qė mbėshtet kandidatin, tė nėnshkruar nga kryetari i partisė,
Udhėzimi, ministrat jo
fushatė me stafet dhe fondet publike |
LZHK, largohet kandidati i Pukės
Tėrhiqet kandidati i LZHK-sė nė zonėn 9 tė Pukės, Hysni Shkjau, i cili mė
pas ėshtė zėvendėsuar nga kandidati tjetėr i kėsaj lėvizjeje, Sadik
Beqiraj. Nga burime brenda LZHK-sė mėsohet se mospėrballimi i fushatės
elektorale dhe rivaliteti i ashpėr politik kanė qenė shkaqet e tėrheqjes sė
kėtij kandidati, nga gara elektorale si dhe pamundėsia financiare pėr tė pėrballuar
fushatėn. Gjithashtu mėsohet se listės sė 100 kandidatėve pėr deputetė tė
LZHK-sė i mungojnė edhe 3 emra tė tjerė, tė cilėt pritet tė publikohen
pas fundit tė muajit maj. Sipas burimeve njė zonė bosh ėshtė nė Qarkun e
Fierit, nė Qarkun e Beratit dhe Kolonja, ku Albert Rakipi, i cili do tė
kandidonte pėr siglėn e LZHK-sė ėshtė tėrhequr, duke e lėnė kėshtu
vendin bosh. Burimet nuk pėrjashtojnė, qė njė nga emrat qė i mungon listės
tė jetė edhe ish-deputeti i PD-sė, Azgan Haklaj.
LZHK: Capital sentence for 5 years
Yesterday, the Motion for National Prosperity Leka Zogu I Party, organized a meeting at Skėnderbej square, presenting the 100 candidates for deputy for the 3 July elections. At the beginning of the meeting Leka Zogu I greeted the fellow travelers, stressing that in case of victory he would follow his fathers way, Zogu I.After Leka Zogu I spoke Dashamir Shehi, the chief of the LZHK Leka Zogu I elections campaign. He mentioned the capital sentence as the only way to put the public order and as a choice to low the number of crimes. Dashamir Shehi, the chief of the LZHK Leka Zogu I elections campaign, regarding to the case spoke to our newspaper SOT. Dashamir Shehi declared that he and Motion for National Prosperity Leka Zogu I Party, judge that the capital sentence, based on the high level of the criminality of our country, would be very useful for a 5 years period for certain crimes. According to him: Nowadays a lot of criminals, which have killed 7-8 persons, move along free on Tiranas street. There are persons that build palaces using the drugs money, persons living as millionaires in the middle of Tirana with the Albanian girls money sold on European trades, there are person, which traffic children. All of these crimes are judged by legalists like capital sentenced crimes, as the only way to low the rate of criminality. Shehu expressed that this grown up would bring new penal arrangements, which have not functioned until now. According to him this would be accepted from Europe, because she wants serious partners, honored persons, which can control their territory, avoiding the illegal traffic that could damage the Europe too. Regarding to this argument legalists think that a quiet state, secure, where there is business, not killing persons, the illegal women traffic and drug traffic, the more is near Europe than today Albanian state. Shehi said that, thats way we think that Europe wont judge us for this situation. |