Shehi: Partive te medha nuk u intereson klima e qete politike
E Diele, 05 Mars 2006
Levizja per Zhvillim Kombetar vlereson qendrimin e Presidentit ne perpjekjen e tij per kryerjen e reformes zgjedhore. Keshtu eshte shprehur dje kryetari Ekzekutiv i LZHK, Dashamir Shehi, gjate nje konference per shtyp. Duke nenvizuar se "kjo reforme duhet te synoje garantimin e zgjedhjeve te lira e te ndershme, pra dhe stabilitet politik". Ai u beri thirrje Partive Parlamentare te tregojne maturi, tolerance dhe pergjegjshmeri ne veprimet e tyre, pasi nervozizmi dhe kryeneCesia sjellin destabilitet te vendit. Sipas Shehit, "problemet me te medha me te cilat duhet te merren seriozisht forcat politike jane reforma zgjedhore, lufta reale dhe institucionale kunder korrupsionit dhe Ceshtjet e pronesise". Ndersa, persa i perket krizes politike qe ka perfshire institucionin e Parlamentit, ai shtoi se kjo krize eshte plotesisht e mundur te shmanget, por mesa duket, paleve nuk u intereson nje klime e qete politike.

Monday, 06 March 2006 
Construction Police to demolish illegal constructions
Sarande- Construction Police branch of Saranda district has verified the constructions in informal zones and inside town’s quarters, especially in “Koder”.Many irregularities in constructions were pointed out from the exercised controls. The violations start from issuance of construction permits, to lack of controls during the construction process. There are numerous violations in the number of floors, construction surface, occupation of roads, parks and other public spaces. It has occupied empty spaces and blocked the view to the sea. Illegal constructions are also the extension of walls between the apartment buildings. It has become difficult, even as a pedestrian to penetrate into this labyrinth. Old gates and corridors between apartment buildings are occupied with newly constructed extensions and fencing walls. Also paths have been closed. From the last control intending to adjust the urban chaos, the construction police has pointed out that there are 122 illegal multi-storey constructions. In addition, there have also been pointed out 74 illegal constructions in tourist areas, at Kanali I Cukes and Ksamil centre, which are going to be demolished. The construction police has delivered notices to them informing for the steps this organ is going to take in this regard. Many of them stand for hours everyday in front of the Construction Police Office in Saranda to clarify and prove the legality of their documents and constructions. This objects, according to the construction sector chief, Aurel Kurani have been thoroughly examined and according to the documentation they possess, the constructions do not meet any urban planning condition.


E Shtune, 04 Mars 2006



Kryetarja e Kuvendit, Jozefina Topalli, u takua dje ne Uashington me senatoren e Nee York?ut, Hilari Klinton, e cila rezervoi nje takim te ne zyren e saj. Gjate takimit, senatorja Klinton ka pergezuar zgjedhjen e Topallit ne krye te Parlamentit Shqiptar duke vleresuar faktin se pozicionimi i nje gruaje ne kete detyre tregon imazhin e ri te demokracise ne vend. “Kjo eshte nje sfide,? tha ajo,? po ne grate dime t’ia dalim mbane. Qenia e nje gruaje ne krye te Parlamentit Shqiptar nderon Shqiperine dhe i sherben permiresimit te imazhit te saj si shprehje e nje dimensioni te ri te demokracise ne Shqperi”, eshte shprehur senatorja Klinton. Nga ana e saj, kryeparlamentarja Topalli ka falenderuar perzemersisht senatoren Klinton dhe i ka shprehur asaj mirenjohjen per mbeshtetjen e dhene ndaj Shqiperise dhe ndalimin e genocidit ne Kosove.
“Shqiptaret u jane perjete mirenjohes per mbeshtetjen qe Ju dhe Presidenti Klinton i keni dhene forcimit te demokracise ne Shqiperi dhe ne menyre te vecante per ndalimin e genocidit ne Kosove”, u shpreh Topalli.

Gjithashtu, dje kryetarja e Kuvendit, Topalli, ka zhvilluar disa takime ne Departamentin e Shtetit, me asistentin e Sekretares se Shtetit, Daniel Fried, dhe shefin e zyres per Shqiperine, Mitchell Benedict. Sipas njoftimit te zyres se shtypit te Kuvendit, asistenti i Sekretares se Shtetit, Daniel Fried, ka pershendetur fitoren e arritur nga mazhoranca ne zgjedhje dhe ka theksuar se qeveria duhet te zhvilloje reforma per te ndertuar institucione te forta. “Por Shqiperise i duhe te beje reforma,? tha ai,? ju duhet te ndertoni institucione te forta.
Qeveria shqiptare ndodhet perpara sfidave te medha, por kam bindjen se z. Berisha do t’ia dale mbane me sukses”, ka theksuar Fried. Gjithashtu, asistenti i Sekretares se Shtetit ka theksuar se SHBA?ja mbeshtet anetaresimin e Shqiperise ne NATO, por ka theksuar se ajo duhet te realizoje kerkesat ne menyre qe te marre ftesen per anetaresim ne samitin e 2008.
Nga ana e saj, Topalli e ka njohur asistentin Fried me ecurine e reformave ne te cilat eshte angazhuar qeveria shqiptare, por dhe rezistencen qe kjo qeveri has ne institucione te ndryshme, si prokuroria apo drejtesia, ne kete lufte. Ajo kerkoi qe administrata amerikane te inkurajoje dhe te mbeshtese qeverine ne reformat ne kuader te luftes kunder krimit dhe korrupsionit. Po dje kryeparlamentarja Topalli u takua edhe me Bert Braun, drejtor i Europes Juglindore ne Shtepine e Bardhe.

Kryeparlamentarja takohet me Engel, Dreier
Topalli takohet me Hilari Klinton

Shtetet e Bashkuara mbėshtesin plotėsisht Shqipėrinė nė klimėn e re politike dhe inkurajojnė qeverinė nė reformat e nisura pėr tė luftuar krimin dhe korrupsionin. Sipas njoftimit pėr shtyp tė Kuvendit tė Shqipėrisė, kjo u nėnvizua nė takimet qė kryetarja e Kuvendit, Topalli, zhvilloi nė Uashington nė Kongres, nė Senat dhe nė Departamentin e Shtetit. Njė takim i veēantė iu rezervua kryetares sė Kuvendit nga senatorja Hilari Klinton. Senatorja e Nju Jorkut e pėrgėzoi Topallin pėr zgjedhjen nė krye tė Parlamentit. “Shqiptarėt ju janė pėrjetė mirėnjohės pėr mbėshtetjen qė Ju dhe presidenti Klinton i keni dhėnė forcimit tė demokracisė nė Shqipėri, dhe nė mėnyrė tė veēantė ndalimit tė genocidit nė Kosovė”, tha Topalli. Axhenda e kryetares sė Kuvendit nė Uashington vijoi mė pas nė Kongresin Amerikan me njė takim me kryetarin e Komisionit tė Ndihmės pėr Demokraci, David Dreier. “Jam njė admirues i vendit tuaj dhe i juaji personalisht si kryeparlamentare grua”, tha nė fillim tė bisedės Dreier. “Unė jam njė mbėshtetės i Shqipėrisė dhe mbetem i vendosur pėr forcimin e marrėdhėnieve me vendin tuaj dhe pėr bashkėpunimin mes dy institucioneve tona”. Si drejtues i komisionit tė Asistencės pėr Demokraci ai i bėri kryetares sė Kuvendit njė prezantim tė shkurtėr tė projekteve tė realizuara me Shqipėrinė prej 15 vjetėsh, qė nė fillimet e demokracisė, dhe e siguroi Topallin pėr intensifikim tė bashkėpunimit nė klimėn e re politike. Dreier e ftoi mė pas Topallin tė merrte pjesė nė sesionin dėgjimor tė komisionit qė ai drejton, i cili do tė trajtonte pikėrisht problemin e korrupsionit dhe tė transparencės. Mė pas takimet vijuan nė Departamentin e Shtetit, sė pari me asistentin e Sekretares sė Shtetit, Daniel Fried dhe shefin e zyrės pėr Shqipėrinė, Mitchell Benedict. Fried e cilėsoi rezultatin e zgjedhjeve si njė fitore tė merituar. “Por Shqipėrisė i duhet tė bėjė reforma”, tha ai. “Ju duhet tė ndėrtoni institucione tė forta. Qeveria shqiptare ndodhet pėrpara sfidave tė mėdha, por kam bindje se z.Berisha do t’ia dalė mbanė me sukses”. Kryetarja Topalli u takua me kongresmenin, Eliot Engel, tė cilin e cilėsoi si njė mik tė palėkundur tė Shqipėrisė dhe pavarėsisė sė Kosovės. Engel nga ana e tij vlerėsoi pėrpjekjet e qeverisė shqiptare dhe nėnvizoi se Shtetet e Bashkuara duhet ta mbėshtesin Shqipėrinė. Lidhur me ēėshtjen e Kosovės ai u shpreh se ka qenė dhe mbetet mbėshtetės i pavarėsisė sė saj, si e vetmja zgjidhje pėr stabilitet dhe paqe.


Source: Southeast Europe Times

ALBANIA: Albania's Heir to Throne Withdraws from Politics
Leka Zogu, son of the former Albanian King Zog, withdrew from public life in Albania last month, saying his family would follow the example of other European royalty and stay out of politics.
The National Development Movement (NDM), a political party established by Zogu, will be "led by elected structures," he said in a press release.
"Considering the political situation in Albania, I withdraw from public life, and stay out of politics," Zogu said. "It is in the great interest of the Albanian state and its people. And it will serve the country and the people well."
Zogu was only two days old when his family fled Albania during the Italian invasion in 1939. His father was deposed by the communists in 1946, and designated his son as his successor before his death in 1961.
After years spent living in Spain, Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) and South Africa, the son returned to Albania in 1997 in the wake of communism's collapse, hoping to regain the throne. But two-thirds of Albania's voters rejected the restoration of the monarchy in a referendum held that year, and Zogu left the country amid rioting. A court in Tirana later convicted him in absentia of organising an armed uprising.
However, he was able to return after an amnesty was granted for his role in the unrest. Other royal family members returned in 2002, and in 2003 the government decided to grant them diplomatic passports.
Over the past two years, the royal family has been seeking to regain properties confiscated following the monarchy's fall from power and the subsequent communist regime. According to the family's lawyer, Shefqet Dizdari, the administration of Prime Minister Sali Berisha has endorsed the return of one of the properties -- the Palace of the Princesses, once home to King Zog's sisters.
"We have been in touch with Berisha's government staff for a month. He cannot restitute the properties, as a special body has this duty. But the government decided to allow the family to reside in one of its properties. The legal procedures are under way, so we think we will have a decision soon," Dizdari explained.
"The building has a surface of 32,000 square metres, including the territory of several buildings around. We also hope that the royal family will take back also its properties in Durres," he added.
The Berisha administration has made no comment about the discussions. However, authorities are preparing a draft law on restitution of the property to its former owners.


The scandal of votes manipulation disclosed
The July 3, 2005 elections show now after the results published by the Central Elections Commission that the process was highly manipulated, starting from simple commissioners to their certification from CEC headed by Ilirjan Celibashi. According to “SOT” newspaper sources, it was informed that in many constituencies, during the proportional system vote counting, many falsifications with votes records were carried out, which could be verified from comparing the record books signed by Zonal Elections Commissions with those of polling stations. “SOT” newspaper brings to its reader a part of figures approved by CEC, obviously showing that this institution has as well been part of the manipulation that zonal commissions carried out. The newspaper will day by day continue to disclose truths of already documented manipulations. So, in constituency no.8, the Christian Democratic Party has received 2972 votes from the Zonal Elections Commission, while, according to record books of the polling station, it results to have received 2577, so, 359 more votes; meanwhile the Social Democratic Party from 2314 votes recorded in ZEC record books, in reality, it has received 2072 votes, basing on Polling Stations record books, that make a difference of 240 votes plus for SDP. At the same constituency, to the Socialist Movement for Integration and Social Democracy Party, 101 and 163 votes have been stolen. Lets go further to constituency no.14, where the DP candidate Preē Zogaj, in the ZEC records book has received 104 more votes, as compared with PS records. The Agrarian Environmental Party results to have received 461 more votes, while SMI has lost around 262 votes. The constituency no.25 has record manipulation. ZEC records book results to have 801 votes in favor of the Republican Party, whereas the AEP has 351 plus votes, meanwhile, the most harmed party is Movement for National Development, to which 386 votes have been stolen. In constituency no.43, The Republican Party results to have 700 plus votes, and also, SDP has 174 more votes in its electoral budget. In constituency no.46, the Agrarian Environmental Party keeps up with filling its electoral tank with 557 more votes. These are some of the figures showing the electoral massacre that was exercised over the free vote of Albanians, who, on July 3, honestly went to cast their vote, having no idea that their vote was not to be counted exactly, or even worst manipulated and misused.
Pronat nė Dajt sherr mes komitetit dhe Komisionit Tiranė
2 Mars  Emil Konomi refuzon vendimin pėr shkarkimin nga detyra

Afatet pėr shqyrtimin e dosjeve pėr kthimin e pronave kanė sjellė pėrplasjen e parė mes Komisioneve Vendore dhe Komitetit tė Pronave. Komiteti Shtetėror i Kthimit dhe i Kompensimit tė Pronave do tė vendosė sot mbi propozimin pėr shkarkimin e kryetarit tė Komisionit Vendor tė Tiranės. Nė lidhje me kėtė kėrkesė, kreu i Komisionit tė Tiranės, Emil Konomi, ėshtė shprehur se gjatė punės sė tij ka pasur presione pėr tė marrė vendime mbi ēėshtje tė dyshimta. Madje, nė deklaratėn e dhėnė dje pėr mediat, ai nuk ka ngurruar qė tė akuzojė dhe pėr ēėshtje konkrete, duke pėrmendur nė kėtė rast dhe procesin e kthimit tė njė prone nė Dajt tė Tiranės. Burimet kanė bėrė tė ditur se kėrkesa mbi kėtė pronė ėshtė bėrė mbi njė provė fakti, ndėrsa vendimi ėshtė duke u studiuar nga Komiteti Shtetėror i Kthimit dhe i Kompensimit tė Pronave.


Dje, Komiteti Shtetėror i Pronave i ka dėrguar njė letėr Komisionit Vendor, nė tė cilin lajmėrohej procedura e shkarkimit tė kryetarit. Pėr kėtė ēėshtje ėshtė kėrkuar qė Konomi tė paraqitet nė Komitet pėr t’iu pėrgjigjur pyetjeve. Si argument pėr lirimin nga detyra ėshtė dhėnė mosparaqitja e dokumenteve sipas kėrkesės sė bėrė nga Komiteti, mė datė 9 dhjetor. Nė atė kohė, Komiteti ka kėrkuar tė njihet me dokumentet origjinale tė disa dosjeve. Sipas Konomit, dosjet iu janė paraqitur Komitetit jo nė origjinal, por fotokopje, pasi kjo ėshtė procedura e njohur nga ligji. Ndėrkohė kėto dokumente nuk janė pranuar, duke iu rikthyer Komisionit. Sipas Konomit, procedura ėshtė e rregullt, ndaj masa pėr lirimin e tij nga detyra nuk ėshtė e drejtė dhe ka tė bėjė me presione pėr vendimet e refuzuara. Ai shprehet se nė disa raste ėshtė Komiteti Shtetėror ai qė ka shkelur ligjin, dhe ėshtė kthyer nė njė komision vendor tė 13-tė.


Njė nga dosjet e pėrmendura prej Konomit nė deklaratėn pėr mediat, ka qenė njė pronė nė Djat, pėr tė cilėn nuk ėshtė bėrė e ditur emri i subjektit pėrfitues. Sipas tij, nė dokumentet e paraqitura ka munguar vendimi i pronėsisė. Ky vėrtetohej nga njė vendim fakti i miratuar prej gjyqėsorit. Konomi thekson se nė kėtė rast nuk ėshtė marrė njė vendim, pasi nuk ka mbėrritur konfirmimi nga zyrat e regjistrimit tė pasurive. Ndaj dosja i ėshtė kaluar Komitetit tė Pronave. Sipas Konomit, Komiteti Shtetėror nuk ka tė drejtėn qė tė gjykojė nė themel njė ēėshtje. Ndėrsa e ka konsideruar kthimin e pronės nė Dajt si njė shkelje tė ligjit. Madje, Konomi ka bėrė tė ditur se i ka kėrkuar Kontrollit tė Lartė tė Shtetit qė tė verifikojė zhvillimet nė kėtė komision. Shumica e anėtarėve pro lirimit nga detyra.

Shumica e anėtarėve tė Komitetit tė Pronave duket se janė tė mendimit pėr lirimin nga detyra tė kryetarit tė Komisionit Vendor tė Kthimit dhe Kompensimit tė Pronave pėr Tiranėn. Burimet thanė se dosjet e paraqitura prej komisionit kanė ardhur me vonesė. Kjo, sipas tyre, pėrbėn shkelje tė Kodit Civil. Ndėrsa, duke parė se ndaj komisionit ėshtė bėrė njė paralajmėrim, vendimi do tė jetė i prerė. Nė lidhje me deklaratėn e dhėnė nga Konomi, se vendimi ėshtė i padrejtė, burimet nė Komitet shprehen se ai mund tė ankimohet dhe nė Gjykatė, ashtu si dhe e parashikon ligji.

Gjithsesi, duke parė se ēėshtja e Komisionit tė Tiranės ėshtė diskutuar dhe nė Komisionin parlamentar tė Ekonomisė, vendimi do tė jetė i pakthyeshėm. Tashmė vetėm mbledhja nė Komitetin Shtetėror do tė vendosė masėn pėrfundimtare qė do tė merret ndaj Komisionit tė Tiranės. Nėse do tė merret vendimin pėr lirimin nga detyra, kjo do tė pėrbėjė dhe vendimin e parė pėr shkarkimin e njė kryetari tė komisioneve vendore.