Mesazhet e lexuesve
Emri Mbiemri: Skender Zogu
Data: E Enjte, 13 Prill 2006 |
Shteti: France |
Subjekti: Njė "arrivistė" né politikėn shqiptare |
Déshirojė me shprehė kėnaqėsinė pėr largimin nga Partia Demokratike té Z. Spartak Ngjela. Nukė besojė tė ketė njė person multi-partiak si zoti Ngjela. Antar i PAD'sė pa skrupull fare vizitojė Miloseviēin. Ky pseudo demokratė patė ambicie tė ndryshme dhe u futė nė partinė mbretnore (PLL) njė kohėsishtė vetėm me sigurue vendin e Ministrit Drejtėsisė dhe ma vonė postin deputet nėn siglėn e PLL. Kur parlemantarėt firmosunė peticionin pėr kéthimin e Familjes Mbretnore n'Atdhe zoti Ngjela nukė guxoi me vue firmėn e tij edhe tu qenė deputetė mbretnorė. Tashė po vepronė vetėm pėr karrike dhe ankohet kundra Qeverisė dhe Kryministrit qė ka merita tė naltė. Kushe e di se nė cilin parti politikė zoti Ngjela dotė antarsohet? Me shumė tė fala Redaksisė Gazeta Metropol. S.Zogu | Friday, 14 April 2006
Local elections adjourned to 2007 |
According to confidential sources within the majority, Prime Minister Berisha has agree with chiefsocialist Rama to adjourn the local elections to 2007.This adjournment was also approved by the chairman of the Central Elections Commission Ilirjan Celibashi, whose option is the elections take place in February-March 2007, as also the result of previous elections was announced at this same period of time of year 2004. Meanwhile, the non-conclusion of electoral reform, as well as the preparation of the necessary infrastructure come up as sabotage of carrying out local elections in October 2006. Although Prime Minister Berisha has opened the way to the commission for the electoral reform withdrawing DP veto, he circumvented giving of an exact date for holding of the local elections. As one of main exponents of leftwing has expressed the government will adjourn the local elections from this year, possibly to the year 2007. Blushi has expressed the veto right should remain and it is not a problem reaching of a compromise, which is to occur soon. It seems the leaders of majority and opposition have decided to give themselves some more time to adjust their positions. For Rama, it would have been enough to flatten the debates within the party and to strengthen his positions in it. Being Mayor until February 2007, it means more chances for compromises with his rivals, offering to the latter various benefits from construction permits to different tenders this municipality carries out. This would have helped Rama to determine positions in relation to a possible return of Nano in the party. For Rama, local elections are the last test to determine whether will be the head of SP, or will reconsider the option of rerunning for Mayor of Municipality of Tirana, in case of any expectable change in the SP. On the other hand, there remains to be solved the cooperation among leftwing parties, while the Socialist Movement for Integration is posing enormous pressure, drawing SP towards its interests. The agreement would have even more interested to Prime Minister Berisha to consolidate the governing and to go in local elections even more secure, probably in front of a unified opposition. Until now, the leader of majority, despite the theory of the fight against corruption, in the plan of investments, it has performed in the lowest levels for a government during these six-teen years of transition. |
Prime Minister launches changes in cabinet |
After seven months of rightwing coalition governing, Prime Minister Berisha carried out yesterday the first changes in the government he runs.In fact, the change in question was at the rank of advisors, where yesterday, Berisha informed the media about the change in the post of Advisor for Media Relations. Ermal Hasimja, who was the Director of Public Relations Department will be replaced by Neritan Sejamini. The latter, besides replacing Hasimja will also hold the post of Advisor for Reforms, a post he is holding since the formation of the governing cabinet. Berisha informed about the changes in his cabinet during yesterdays press conference, accompanied by Ermal Hasimja and Neritan Sejamini. During yesterdays conference, the head of executive made public also the reasons of the change in one of the advisors posts. He was expressed that Ermal Hasimja, one of his closest collaborators will not be anymore Director of Public Relations, as he has to follow post graduate studies in Paris. I would like to express my estimation to Ermal for his precious contribution, like during the electoral campaign and also during this collaboration period. He, with his capacities, devotion and honesty has made the activities of the head of government more transparent than ever. He is in the last year of studies, therefore he is obliged to leave and devote himself to the doctorate in the University of Paris, Prime Minister said. On return, former advisor for media, Ermal Hasimja expressed his thanks for the collaboration with Prime Minister Berisha. I have to thank for all the trust you have shown to me during this time, for the extraordinarily important for my personal experience and I have had the privilege to work with the person with whom share my deepest and most important moral and political values, said Hasimja pointing at Prime Minister Berisha. The new advisor for the media Neritan Sejamini received Berishas support to follow the full transparency and devotedly enforce the definite request that every activity of Council of Minister and Prime Minister should come out in the sunlight. |
Koshtunica, ne Paris per Kosoven |
E Merkure, 12 Prill 2006 |
Statusi i ardhshem i Kosoves do te jete ceshtja kryesore per te cilen kryeministri serb, Voisllav Koshtunica do te diskutoj ne Paris me zyrtaret me te larte franceze. Vizita e kryeministrit serb deshmon per marredheniet miqesore qe i bashkojne te dyja vendet tona, e qe deshirojme plotesisht t'i perforcojme, beri te ditur ne nje komunikate per shtyp Ministria Franceze e Puneve te Jashtme, me rastin e vizites se Koshtunices. Koshtunica do te takohet me Presidentin Zhak Shirak dhe do te zhvilloje bisedime me shefin e diplomacise franceze, Philipe Douste Blazy, si dhe deputete franceze. |
Faqja 20 -KULTURE |
Prill 14, 2006 |
Drashkoviē me qėndrim liberal. Ahtisaari, gati takimin e
kryeministrave |
Statusi i Kosovės, Serbia gati pėr kompromis |
BEOGRAD Beogradi ėshtė i gatshėm pėr njė zgjidhje kompromisi pėr
Kosovėn. Kėshtu deklaroi dje shefi i diplomacisė serbomalazeze, Vuk
Drashkoviē. Ai shfaqi gatishmėrinė e Serbisė pėr njė zgjidhje sa
mė tė pranueshme pėr statusin e Kosovės, gjatė njė takimi me
delegacionin e Kėshillit pėr Mbrojtje e Siguri tė Parlamentit ēek.
Deklarata e tij thekson sėrish qėndrimin liberal qė shfaqi pak ditė
mė parė dhe qė u pasua mė vonė edhe nga shefi i opozitės serbe.
Megjithatė, Ministri i Jashtėm i Serbisė e Malit tė Zi vuri nė
dukje se pavarėsia e imponuar e Kosovės, nė afat tė gjatė, do ta
rrezikonte stabilitetin nė rajon. Drashkoviē ka kėrkuar sė fundmi
kompromis tė Beogradit pėr zgjidhjen e kėsaj ēėshtjeje tė rėndėsishme
pėr Ballkanin, madje ka pohuar se Serbia thuajse e ka humbur provincėn
e vogėl me shumicė shqiptare. Kjo deklaratė ka shkaktuar reagime tė
ashpra nė Beograd, ku parlamenti do tė mblidhet sot pėr tė
shqyrtuar kėrkesėn e Partisė Socialiste pėr shkarkimin e shefit tė
diplomacisė. Iniciativėn pėr shkarkimin e Drashkoviēit, pėr shkak
tė kėtyre deklaratave, e kanė marrė tetė deputetė socialistė, qė
kanė deklaruar se arsyet pėr kėtė propozim janė janė deklaratat
e tij pėr pavarėsinė e Kosovės gjė qė nė mėnyrė direkte
cėnon strategjinė e Serbisė. Deklarata e Drashkoviē vjen nė njė
kohė tė rėndėsishme pėr ēėshtjen e Kosovės, pas njė raundi tė
vėshtirė mes palėve nė Vjenė dhe nė prag tė njė takimit tė
nivelit tė lartė mes Prishtinės dhe Beogradit. Media kosovare
njoftoi dje se zyra e tė dėrguarit tė posaēėm tė OKB-sė pėr
statusin e Kosovės, Martti Ahtisaari, po pėrgatit takimin e parė tė
nivelit mė tė lartė Kosovė-Serbi, mes kryeministrave Agim Ēeku e
Vojislav Koshtunica ose mes presidentėve Fatmir Sejdiu e Boris Tadiē. |
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