Partia "Lėvizja e Legalitetit"
Bulevardi "Zog I", Tiranė.
Tel&Fax: +355 4 230076
Tiranė, mė 29 tetor 2007
Deklarate per mediat
Ngjarjet makabre tė mbytjes sė dy fėmijėve 10 vjeēarė, ekzekutuar nga monstrat kriminale brenda dy javėve tė fundit, kanė tronditur rėndė ndėrgjegjen e mbarė opinionit.
PLL me kėtė rast shpreh dhimbjen e saj tė thellė dhe u dėrgon ngushėllimet e rastit familjeve qė humbėn fėmijėt e pafajshėm, viktima tė krimit.
Nė kushtet e pėrsėritjes sė krimeve tė rėnda ndaj jetės, PLL konsideron se rivendosja e dėnimit me vdekje, tashmė ėshtė bėrė mjeti i vetėm efikas pėr shtypjen e krimit dhe rritjen e besimit tek institucionet.
PLL u bėn thirrje institucioneve tė shtetit shqiptar, qė nėpėrmjet negociatave me Kėshillin e Europės, tė kėrkojnė mirėkuptimin pėr rivendosjen e dėnimit me vdekje pėr njė afat disavjeēar, pėr disa vepra penale qė parashikojnė dėnimet lidhur me krimet me pasojė vdekjen.
Gjithashtu PLL u bėn thirrje institucioneve, tė konsiderojnė propozimin tonė tė kahershėm pėr ngritjen e Armės sė Xhandarmėrisė si instrumenti i provuar i shtypjes sė krimit, sidomos atij kundėr jetės, bazuar nė pėrvojėn tonė dhe atė tė vendeve tė pėrparuara evropiane.
Me kėtė rast PLL shpreh sėrish mbėshtetjen e palėkundur ndaj objektivave tė qeverisė dhe tė maxhorancės pėr luftėn kundėr krimit, si dhe inkurajimin e institucioneve tė specializuara tė shtetit pėr shtypjen e krimit.
Partia "Lėvizja e Legalitetit"
Bulevardi "Zog I", Tiranė.
Tel&Fax: +355 4 230076
Tiranė, mė 25 tetor 2007
Deklaratė pėr mediat
Partia Lėvizja e Legalitetit shpreh shqetėsimin e saj tė thellė pėr kulmimin e hapur nė skenėn politike, tė luftės dhe tė strategjisė antikombėtare tė PS pėr sabotimin me ēdo kusht tė ndėrtimit tė Rrugės Durrės - Prishtinė.
Bazuar nė synimin programor tė unifikimit me ēdo ēmim tė hapėsirės shqiptare, objektiv ky qė fatmirėsisht pėrputhet edhe me prioritetin madhor tė maxhorancės aktuale, PLL do ta mbėshtesė me tė gjitha mjetet realizimin sa mė parė tė prioritetit kombėtar dhe gjeostrategjik tė ndėrtimit tė Rrugės Durrės - Prishtinė.
Ne jemi tė bindur se ndėrtimi sa mė shpejt i kėsaj rruge, ka nxitur rivalitetet dhe konkurrencėn e fqinjėve pėr interesa tė mirėfillta ekonomike dhe gjeostrategjike antishqiptare.
Nė kėtė kėndvėshtrim, kundėrvėnia ndaj ndėrtimit tė kėsaj rruge nėpėrmjet goditjes politike tė eksponentėve kryesorė dhe pėrgjegjėsimarrės, i identifikon hapur autorėt si atentatorė politikė, tė pėrdorur nga segmentet antishqiptare kundėr interesave kombėtare.
PLL, si njė parti qė ka sakrifikuar gjithēka dhe nė vazhdimėsi pėr lirinė dhe bashkimin kombėtar, ėshtė e pozicionuar kundėr tė gjitha segmenteve tė politikės dhe mafias antishqiptare, pėr mbrojtjen e sipėrmarrjes madhore tė ndėrtimit tė Rrugės Durrės Prishtinė.
PLL mbėshtet fuqimisht tė gjithė ata aktorė politikė qė po investohen pėr mbrojtjen e kauzės sė Rrugės sė bashkimit kombėtar dhe pėr shkatėrrimin e strategjisė sė penalizimit politik tė ideatorėve dhe realizuesve tė kėsaj kauze.
Partia Socialiste, e identifikuar si njė forcė politike trashėgimtare e partisė qė bart krime dhe tradhti tė mėdha ndaj ēėshtjes kombėtare, kėrkon tė mbrojė me ēdo ēmim kryeprokurorin Theodhori Sollaku, pėr tė penalizuar politikisht zotėrinjtė Berisha e Basha dhe pėr tė mbrojtur interesat kriminale tė segmenteve majtiste mafioze antishqiptare.
PLL mbėshtet ngritjen e Komisionit Hetimor Parlamentar pėr fillimin e procedurave tė shkarkimit tė Theodhori Sollakut.
Pronat, shtyhet afati i kėrkesave |
25/10/2007 Komisioni
i Ligjeve kundėrshton propozimet Madhi. Depozitimi deri mė
31 dhjetor 2008 Miratohet amendamenti qė parashikon pagesėn e truallit nga personi qė ka nė pronėsi ndėrtesėn Mazhoranca ėshtė deklaruar kundėr amendamenteve Madhi pėr kthimin dhe kompensimin e pronės. Gjatė diskutimit tė katėr neneve tė para, nė Komisionin e Ligjeve, deputetėt e mazhorancės kanė kundėrshtuar 4 prej tyre, ndėrkohė qė ėshtė rėnė dakord mes palėve pėr shtyrjen deri mė 31 dhjetor tė 2008-ės tė afatit pėr depozitimin e kėrkesės pėr tė fituar nga ky ligj, i subjektit tė shpronėsuar. Ndėrsa drejtori i Agjencisė Kombėtare pėr Kthimin dhe Kompensimin e Pronės, Besnik Maho, ka mbėshtetur amendamentet e republikanit, Arian Madhi. Debatet Si rrallė ndonjėherė, deputetėt e Komisionit tė Ligjeve janė pėrzier nė votimin e tyre ndaj amendamenteve qė kreu i grupit parlamentar tė Partisė Republikanė, Arian Madhi, ka paraqitur nė Kuvend pėr ligjin e pronave. Me votat e opozitės, anėtarit tė PBDNJ-sė, Spiro Peēi dhe demokristianit, Tom Doshi, komisioni miratoi amendamentin qė parashikon pagesėn e truallit nga personi qė ka nė pronėsi ndėrtesėn mbi tė. Nė rastet e ndėrtimeve mbi truall tė bėra nė pėrputhje me legjislacionin nė fuqi, kur nuk ėshtė regjistruar pronėsia e truallit, ai qė ka nė pronėsi ndėrtesėn, detyrohet tė paguajė vlerėn fillestare tė truallit sipas vlerės sė tregut, sipas metodikės sė vlerės sė pronės, thuhet nė amendamentin e miratuar me 7 vota pro, 4 kundėr tė PD-sė dhe 2 abstenim. Po ashtu, deputetėt e mazhorancės debatuan gjatė edhe pėr nenin tre tė projektit qė parashikon kthimin me gjyq themeli tė tė gjitha vendimeve tė dhėna deri tani. Unė personalisht jam kundėr amendamentit, sipas tė cilit, ēdo pretendim i subjekteve tė shpronėsuara qė ka tė bėjė me pozicionin e pronės, sipėrfaqen, kufitarėt me disponimin e kėsaj prone para reformės agrare, tė provohet me vendime gjyqėsore themeli me palėn kundėrshtare, tha kryetari i komisionit, Fatos Beja, i mbėshtetur nga deputetėt e mazhorancės. I gjendur pėrballė mungesės sė mbėshtetjes sė anėtarėve tė koalicionit qeveritar, Madhi ėshtė tėrhequr nga propozimi. Nuk ėshtė e nevojshme tė bėjmė debate kėtu. I bėjmė nė tavolina tė tjera, tha ai i nervozuar. Vlerėsimi i AKKP-sė Drejtori i AKKP-sė, Maho, ka vlerėsuar amendamentet e republikanit, Madhi, pasi sipas tij, ato zgjidhin shumė probleme qė janė hasur nga agjencia. Ndėrsa la nė gjykim tė legjislativit, nenet qė lidheshin me shtyrjen e afateve, drejtori Maho, propozoi pėrveē shfuqizimit tė ligjit 7501 Pėr tokėn, shfuqizimin edhe tė dy ligjeve tė tjera pėr tokėn qė sipas tij pengojnė agjencinė nė procesin e saj pėr kthimin e tokės, si dhe rrisin faturėn financiare qė do tė pėrdoret pėr kompensim. Propozoj shfuqizimin edhe tė ligjit Pėr tokat bujqėsore tė pandara dhe Pėr kalimin nė pronėsi pa shpėrblim tė tokės bujqėsore, pasi sipas tyre, ato prona qė u njihen ish-pronarėve janė nė pronėsi tė shtetit. Kėto ne smund ti pėrdorim pėr kthim, por vetėm pėr kompensim. Kjo bėn qė fatura financiare tė rritet duke rėnduar sigurisht buxhetin e Qeverisė, tha Maho. Propozimi i drejtorit tė AKKP-sė u kundėrshtua nga vetė republikani, Madhi, pasi sipas tij, kėto dy ligje nuk pengojnė pėrdorimin e pronės qė posedohet nga shteti pėr tua kthyer ish-pronarėve. Pushimi i hetimit Deputetėt e mazhorancės u shprehėn kundėr propozimit tė deputetit Madhi pėr pushimin e hetimit administrativ, si njė formė e vendimmarrjes, pėrveē lėnies nė fuqi tė vendimit; ose shfuqizimin e vendimit dhe zgjidhjen nė themel tė tij, lidhur me objektin e ankimit, kundėr vendimit tė njohjes sė tė drejtės sė pronėsisė. Tokat e zaptuara Drejtori i AKKP-sė, Besnik Maho, nė interes tė deputetit demokristian, Tom Doshi, sqaroi se tokat e poseduara me forcė, pra nė mėnyrė arbitrare, do tu kthehen ish-pronarėve, atyre qė u njihet kjo pronė me dokumente sipas ligjeve nė fuqi. Pronarėt qė e kanė zaptuar tokat, nuk do njihen si pronarė tė kėtyre pronave nga agjencia, tha ai. Afati pėr kėrkesat Subjektet e shpronėsuara, pėr fitimin e tė drejtave tė parashikuara nga ky ligj, kanė tė drejtė tė depozitojnė kėrkesa tė reja deri nė datėn 31 dhjetor 2008. Nė rast se objekti i shpronėsuar pėr shkaqe tė pėrligjura nuk kanė arritur tė depozitojnė |
Pronarėt kundėr ligjit pėr kompensimin e pronės
Wednesday, 24 October 2007
![]() Procesi Data 22 tetor shėnoi mbylljen e regjistrimit tė subjekteve tė shpronėsuara pėr kompensim nė tė holla, duke hapur fazėn e verifikimit tė kėrkesave dhe nisjen nga procesi i kompensimit. Kėshtu, nga data 1 tetor deri nė 23 tetor pėrfundoi faza e parė e ndarjes tė fondit prej 500 milionė lekė, tė akorduar nga qeveria pėr ish-pronarėt. Bėhet e ditur, se numri i pėrgjithshėm i kėrkesave tė depozituara nė te gjithė territorin e vendit arriti nė shifrėn 438. Sipas kreut tė Agjencisė sė Kthimit dhe Kompensimit tė Pronave, kjo shifėr konstatohet pa llogaritur mbi 15 kėrkesa tė dėrguara nė rrugė postare, dokumentacioni i tė cilave, sipas tij, ngelet pėr tu verifikuar. Nga kėto kėrkesa, 201 kėrkesa i pėrkasin qytetit tė Tiranės, 39 i pėrkasin qytetit tė Vlorės, 81 qarkut tė Korēės, 50 qarkut tė Beratit, 21 kėrkesa i pėrkasin qarkut tė Gjirokastrės, 6 i pėrkasin qarkut tė Kukėsit, 3 qarkut tė Dibrės dhe 37 kėrkesa i pėrkasin qarkut tė Lezhės. Sipas Mahos, nė respektim tė nenit 17/2 tė ligjit nr. 9235 tė vitit 2004, Pėr kthimin dhe kompensimin e pronės i ndryshuar deri nė fund tė muajit dhjetor 2007 do tė pėrfundojė faza e dytė e verifikimit tė dokumentacionit qė kanė depozituar subjektet e shpronėsuara pėr kompensim. Ai theksoi nė vijim, se po brenda kėsaj periudhe do tė pėrfundoje edhe faza e tretė, ajo e shpėrndarjes tė fondit prej 500 milionė lekė, subjekteve fituese nė pėrputhje me nenin 23/3 tė ligjit tė sipėrcituar si dhe VKM-nė nr. 566, dt.05.09.2007 Pėr kriteret dhe procedurėn e shpėrndarjes tė fondit fizik pėr vitin 2007. Nė lidhje me kėtė ēėshtje, drejtori Maho u shpreh se brenda tre muajve, pikėrisht nė dhjetor, do tė pėrfundojė edhe procesi i kompensimit financiar pėr ish-pronarėt. Ky proces do tė kryhet sipas numrit tė kėrkesave, nė qarqet ku ka kėrkesa mė tė shumta, atje do tė kalojnė edhe pjesa mė e madhe e parave. 438 kėrkesa pėr kompensim 201 kėrkesa Tiranė 39 kėrkesa Vlorė 81 kėrkesa Korēė 50 kėrkesa Berat 21 kėrkesa Gjirokastėr 6 kėrkesa Kukės 3 kėrkesa Dibėr 37 kėrkesa Lezhė |
Un promoteur anglais est chargé par le roi Leka de rénover la villa Zog de Durrės et de construire des apt. ą louer.
E Merkure, 24 Tetor 2007Ushtare te armatosur jane vendosur ne ane te nje teli rrethues, qe i hap
rrugen nje xhipi me investitore. Ato po ruajne pjesen ballore te Viles se
Mbretit Zog ne Durres. Bashkia e qytetit, se fundi, ka dhene lejen per
rinovimin e nje prej ndertesave luksoze te familjes mbreterore, ndertuar qe
ne vitin 1930. Alban Xhillari, nje ndertues nga Tirana, ne bashkepunim me
kompanine britanike te konsulences, HLL Humbert's Leisure, do te investoje
20 milione euro per te ndertuar 50 apartamente luksoze, qe do tu shiten
investitoreve nderkombetare. Te tilla investime dhe ndertesa me kete lloj
niveli te larte ka pak ne Shqiperi, e cila eshte vendi i dyte me i varfer ne
Evrope. Me se shumti, turistet qe e vizitojne jane shqiptare nga Kosova ose
turiste ditore, qe vijne me anije nga Korfuzi. Vija bregdetare e Shqiperise
eshte e pazhvilluar dhe pikerisht per kete shkak eshte duke u bere terheqese
per investitoret e huaj. Por tregu sekondar i shtepive eshte ende ne nje
stad pak te zhvilluar. Rritja ekonomike ka qene e ngadalte per shkak te
mosmarreveshjeve politike, infrastruktures se dobet dhe pamundesive ne
furnizimin me uje dhe energji ne shume zona. Xhillari thote, se ai deshiron
tiu ofroje bleresve nderkombetare dicka ndryshe. Ndertesa ka nje
rezonance unike historike. Investimi do te ndahet me Princin Leka, i cili
eshte zoteruesi i godines ne stadin aktual. Bleresit e mund te kene te
disponueshme apartamentet e tyre per rreth 10 jave ne muaj. Pjesa tjeter e
vitit do te jepet me qira per turiste, tha Xhillari. Leka, i cili ishte
vetem dy ditesh kur Zogu dhe familja e tij iken nga Shqiperia per shkak te
pushtimit italian te 1939, eshte nder te paret shqiptare, qe ka fituar te
drejten mbi pronesine e konfiksuar gjate periudhes komuniste. Ai u rikthye
ne Tirane ne vitin 2002, 5 vjet pasi monarkia humbi ne nje referendum.
Pallati veror, me shkalle mermeri, dysheme me parket, tavan dekorativ,
karakteristik, i punuar me dru arre, me nje dhome te posacme tharjeje, eshte
nje dhurate nga Mbreti i Italise, Viktor Emanueli II, i cili e rimori pas
ikjes se Zogut nga Shqiperia. Pallati eshte perdorur per partine, dasma ne
kohen e komunisteve. Ai eshte grabitur 10 vjet me pare gjate kolapsit qe u
krijua nga firmat piramidale. Nje antene celulare eshte instaluar shume afer
viles. Jemi duke planifikuar ndertimin e nje kazinoje pak ne distance dhe
restorante, gjithashtu, tha Xhillari. Kjo mund te sjelle shume te
ardhura, por nga ana tjeter kjo nuk mund te jete e pershtatshme, tha ai.
Nje projekt tjeter i Xhillarit sjell nje memorie te zeze. Ai ka riparuar nje
vile ne bregdetin e Vlores, e cila ka qene perdorur nga ish-Kryeministri,
Mehmet Shehu, gjate periudhes se komunizmit. Gjithashtu, veriu te Vlores, me
pare eshte perdorur gjeresisht per trafikun e emigranteve joligjore me skafe
drejt Italise, por tani eshte kthyer ne nje qender turistike. Vila eshte e
vendosur ne nje shkemb, qe sheh drejt Adriatikut. Te tilla ndertime do te
vijojne edhe ne Durres, me nje numer te vogel apartamentesh, si nje thirrje
ndaj te pasurve te rinj shqiptare per ti blere ato njesoj si te huajt,
tha ai. Vila e Mehmet Shehut ne Vlore ka dicka ekzotike, e cila eshte
mjaft terheqese per vizitoret, te cilet jane kurioze te dine se si ka jetuar
Mehmet Shehu, lideri i tyre komunist, tha Remzi Lani, analist per
ceshtjet politike ne Tirane.
Marre nga Financial Time
Korrik 2007, qeveria i ktheu vilen Zogut
Me 10 korrik te ketij viti qeveria vendosi tia kaloje ne administrim te
plote vilen mbi kodren e Durresit familjes mbreterore shqiptare, te
perfaqesuar nga pretendenti per kete fron, Leka Zogu I. Duke e hequr kete
prone private te familjes se Mbretit Zog nga inventari te pronave te
paluajtshme te shtetit, duhet te jene pjesetaret e kesaj familje, ata te
cilet duhet te kujdesen per te gjitha elementet qe kerkohen per mirembajtjen
e kesaj vile mbi kodren e Durresit. Ndonese familjes se Mbretit Zog ne prill
te vitit te kaluar ishte marr pronesine e ketij objekti nga nje vendim i
Komisionit te Kthimit dhe Kompensimit te Pronave ne Durres, kjo vile ende
mbahej ne inventarin e pronave te paluajtshme te shtetit. Vendimi i qeverise
i dha te drejten dhe detyrimin familjes mbreterore shqiptare qe te kujdeset
edhe per ruajtjen dhe mirembajtjen e kesaj vile. Keshtu, pasardhesit e
Mbretit Zog perfitojne nje siperfaqe prej rreth 5 300 metra katrore nga ky
objekt, duke llogaritur edhe pjesen e oborrit qe rrethon vilen.
Historia e viles 80-vjecare
Vila 80-vjecare, e vendosur ne kodren me lartesi 98 metra mbi nivelin e
detit, te cilin ajo e sheh nga te tre anet kryesore te konstruksionit te saj
me krahet ne forme shqiponje, ishte nje dhurate, qe tregtaret durrsake i
blatonin Mbretit Zog I ne vitin 1926. Profesor Kristo Sotiri, arkitekti i
laureuar ne Padova dhe Venecia te Italise, i cili kishte mbi shpatulla edhe
pervojen 11-vjecare si arkitekt i oborrit te Mbretereshes Elisabeta Karmen
Silva te Rumanise, projektoi dhe ndertoi ne koder variantin e pare te njeres
prej veprave me te bukura te qytetit me histori 2 700-vjecare. Godina mori
formen e bukur perfundimtare ne vitin 1937 nen kujdesin e arkitekteve dhe
specialisteve italiane, vetem pak muaj para marteses se monarkut Zog i Pare
me konteshen hungareze, Geraldine Apony. Mjediset e brendshme, te zbukuruara
hijshem, salla e madhe e pritjeve, shkallet e gjera prej mermeri, kati i
siperm qe ishte projektuar enkas per ciftin mbreteror, ballkonet qe shohin
krejt gjirin detar te Durresit, jane prove e nje ndertimi modern per vitet
Vila mbi koden e Durresit per me shume se 40 vjet eshte shfrytezuar si
rezidence pritjeje. Ne mjediset e saj kane pushuar emra te njohur te kampit
komunist, qe nga Hrushovi deri te princi kamboxhian, Samde Norodom Sihanuk,
bashke me gruan e tij te re, Monika, ndersa pas viteve 1990 ish-Presidenti
amerikan, Xhimi Karter, eshte nje prej bujtesve te shquar te saj. Por
ndertesa me arkitekture te vecante u demtua rende ne mars te vitit 1997, kur
brenda dy ditesh ajo u plackit, duke shkaterruar plotesisht edhe sistemin e
ndricimit, qe kishte mbetur i paprekur qe ne kohen kur u ndertua. Per disa
vite radhazi ajo u shfrytezua nga forcat nderkombetare te NATO-s, qe
mberriten ne vendin tone me misione ushtarake.
Kryeredaktor Bledi Kasmi |
![]() |
RFE/RL NEWSLINE Vol. 11, No. 196, Part II, 23 October 2007
Kosovar and Serbian leaders spent October 22 in Vienna holding a fresh
round of direct talks on the future of Kosova, but they emerged, if anything,
further apart than ever. "This was probably one of the worst meetings
we've had," AP quoted one of the five senior Kosovar negotiators, Veton
Surroi, as saying. Comments by Kosova's president and prime underlined that
there is, in their view, an unbridgeable gap. "I think we are too far
away from each other" to reach a deal, Prime Minister Agim Ceku told
reporters. "Independence is not something we are asking for," he
said, leaving unsaid what he has said before -- that Kosova will declare
independence if there is no agreement with Serbia. President Fatmir Sejdiu was
similarly tough-talking, saying Belgrade is acting as obdurately as the man
who sent Serbian troops into Kosova in 1998-99, the late Yugoslav President
Slobodan Milosevic. The talks ended with "complete disagreement,"
Sejdiu said. The next round of talks will be held on November 5, again in
Vienna. AG
by 14 interim conclusions reached by the "troika" of international
mediators after previous meetings. The reason, EU envoy Wolfgang Ischinger
told reporters, was to stress points of agreement rather than contention (see
"RFE/RL Newsline," October 22, 2007). For the same reason, the
mediators' discussion paper bypassed the core issue, Kosova's final status.
Ischinger had also characterized the meeting as an attempt to move "away
from slogans and into the substance." The Kosovar Albanian team said they
had no major objections to the mediators' conclusions, with its spokesman,
Skender Hyseni, saying that "the discussion paper of the troika does
contain pretty much what Prishtina's position is on the future relationship
between Kosova and Serbia." By contrast, Serbia's minister for Kosova
affairs, Slobodan Samardzic, was critical of the paper. Samardzic emphasized
that Serbia is willing to give Kosova authority over its internal affairs,
telling journalists, the news service Balkan Insight reported, that "we
would be satisfied not to govern Kosovo in relation to its own internal
affairs." However, he continued, the mediators' document cuts out
Belgrade, "without leaving it any competencies." "Foreign
policy and control of the border are the minimal competencies that Serbia
should maintain and preserve its sovereignty and territorial integrity",
Samardzic said. Serbia's chief ally, Russia, contributed to the troika's
document through Aleksandr Botsan-Kharchenko, who is one of the three
mediators. AG
mediating the Kosova talks expressed the hope that, "without prejudice to
the positions of both parties on [Kosova's final] status," the "principles"
laid out in their 14-point summary of conclusions could "open a path to a
solution." The document itself has been reprinted by several media
organizations, including the news service Balkan Insight. Several conclusions
address the management of the relationship between Serbia and Kosova: the two
will develop the "special nature" of their relationship and will
resolve disputes peacefully. Issues where cooperation is required are
stipulated, as well as the need to "establish common bodies to implement
cooperation." Three conclusions lay down red lines for Serbia: "there
will be no return to the pre-1999 status," Belgrade "will not govern
Kosovo," and nor will it "reestablish a physical presence in
Kosovo." Prishtina, in exchange, would be obliged to guarantee the
protection of minorities and their cultural heritage. Three conclusions
underline Kosova's economic rights -- to enjoy "full authority over its
finances," to forge relations with international financial institutions,
and to "be fully integrated into regional structures, particularly those
involving economic cooperation." Two conclusions have a particularly
large foreign-policy dimension: they underline Kosova's and Serbia's shared
desire to join the EU, as well as obliging Serbia not to hinder Kosova's
relationship with the EU. The final conclusion relates to security: "The
international community will retain civilian and military presences in Kosovo
after status is determined." AG
Serbia's negotiators presented a point-for-point response to the mediators'
conclusions, Radio-Television Serbia reported. From the channel's verbatim
read-through of the document, the Serbian team left largely unchanged the
troika's conclusions on cooperation, on Kosova's rights on economic matters,
and Kosova's obligations to minorities. Their counterproposal broadly accepts
two of the troika's conclusions delimiting Serbian influence -- Belgrade
"will not govern Kosovo," and nor will it "reestablish a
physical presence in Kosovo" -- but also makes clear they are still
subject to further debate. On foreign-policy issues, such as relations with
the EU, Belgrade's document talks of "Serbia and the province of
Kosovo-Metohija" progressing "towards EU association and, finally,
membership." One key change attempts to forestall a move to independence
by Kosova: Belgrade's counterproposal replaces the mediators' emphasis on
forging a fresh relationship with a commitment by "all three sides --
Serbian institutions, Kosovo interim institutions, and international community
representatives -- refrain from any unilateral moves." In several
cases -- regarding the international military presence in Kosova and minority
rights -- Serbia demands UN mandates and approval, and -- critically -- it
stipulates that while there can be "no return to the state of affairs
prior to 1999," "the future status of Kosovo should be found in line
with the [UN Security Council] Resolution 1244." That is the resolution
with which the UN Security Council authorized an international military and
civilian presence in Kosova in 1999. It also reaffirms "the commitment of
all [UN] member states to the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the
Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and the other states of the region." AG
should refrain from unilateral steps toward independence, Albanian Prime
Minister Sali Berisha said on October 21. Berisha's comment, reported by the
daily "Republika," reiterates his already stated position (see
"RFE/RL Newsline," October 2, 2007). Berisha urged Prishtina to
coordinate its actions with "the government of the United States and
other Contact Group countries," the group of six countries leading
efforts to determine Kosova's final status. "These countries have a clear
concept about peace and stability in Kosova and the region...and have played a
decisive role in getting the Balkans out of the spiral of wars, barbarities,
and ethnic cleansing and into the arena of cooperation, friendship, and
integration," Berisha continued. One member of the Contact Group, Russia,
has backed Serbia's position. Berisha described independence as "the only
remaining option." NATO Secretary-General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer recently
praised Albania as a "moderating voice" in the region (see
"RFE/RL Newsline," October 22, 2007). AG
Serbes et Albanais se rencontrent aujourdhui ą Vienne pour de nouvelles discussions directes. Peu de progrčs sont attendus, aprčs léchec des précédentes rencontres ą New York et ą Bruxelles. Cependant, la « troļka » diplomatique mandatée par le Groupe de contact a mis sur la table une nouveau document de travail, qui naborde pas le statut final du territoire, mais envisage de nouveaux champs de coopération entre Belgrade et Pristina.
Par Jelena Tasic
On connaīt les positions de Belgrade, qui veut discuter du statut futur de la province, ainsi que celles de Pristina, qui ne souhaite évoquer que les futures « relations inter-étatiques » et la coopération entre la Serbie et le Kosovo. Mais un nouveau document de travail de la troļka diplomatique se trouve aussi sur la table des discussions. Ce document comporte quatorze points.
Au cours du week-end, beaucoup de médias de Pristina et de Belgrade ont révélé le contenu du document. La troļka constate « quil ne peut pas y avoir de retour ą la situation davant 1999, et que Belgrade ne va plus gouverner le Kosovo, ni recouvrer son autorité militaire ou administrative sur la province ». La proposition souligne que le Kosovo « sera totalement autonome du point de vue financier, et quil pourra conclure, sans intervention de Belgrade, des accords avec les institutions financičres internationales ». Un des points évoqués prévoit que Belgrade et Pristina développeront des « relations spéciales », mais « poursuivront de maničre séparée leur processus dintégration euro-atlantique ».
En se basant sur des sources non précisées au sein de lUnion européenne, le journal albanais de Pristina Koha Ditore écrit que « ce document en quatorze points ne peut pas źtre interprété comme une remise en cause de la proposition Ahtisaari, mais doit źtre compris comme une tentative de résoudre les questions techniques évoquées dans le projet Ahtisaari ». LUE explique que le document de la troļka représente « une nouvelle étape » dans le processus de discussion, mais « pas la base du futur statut du Kosovo.
Selon les médias, le document de la troļka névoque pas le futur statut du Kosovo, et ne mentionne pas lindépendance comme une option possible. Le document énumčre « les nombreux domaines dans lesquels on attend une meilleure coopération entre Belgrade et Pristina : lénergie, la protection sociale, la protection des minorités et de lhéritage culturel, la lutte contre le crime organisé, ainsi quune solution commune au problčme des réfugiés et déplacés ».
« La troļka essaie de ramener Belgrade et Pristina au cur du sujet. Il sagit davantage de questions techniques, plutōt que de remarques sur le statut, sujet sur lequel insiste Belgrade. Ce document est le résultat du travail de la troļka - il reprend les points constatés au cours des discussions menées jusquą présent. Cest aussi une réaction aux déclarations de Belgrade annonēant des élections pour les Serbes du Kosovo et Metohija, mais précisant que la Serbie ne voulait pas administrer le Kosovo », explique Dusan Janjic, le président du Forum pour les relations interethniques de Belgrade.
La troļka estime « quune bonne coopération serait garantie par la formation dune structure commune réunissant Belgrade et Pristina ». Le document envisage aussi la poursuite des missions civiles et militaires internationales au Kosovo.
Les nouvelles discussions directes entre Belgrade et Pristina de ce lundi ont été précédées par des rencontres bilatérales entre les deux délégations avec les membres de la troļka diplomatique. Léquipe de Pristina sest rendue samedi ą Paris pour rencontrer Bernard Kouchner, le ministre franēais des Affaires étrangčres, qui avait reēu la semaine derničre Vuk Jeremic, le ministre serbe des Affaires étrangčres, et qui a prévu de recevoir léquipe de négociations de Belgrade le 4 novembre. Bernard Kouchner a déclaré quil entendait discuter avec les deux équipes de négociations « des perspectives qui seront proposées dans le document qui sera remis le 10 décembre au Secrétaire général des Nations Unies ».
La troļka des médiateurs internationaux sur le statut du Kosovo a présenté ce lundi 22 octobre une premičre série de propositions visant ą « ouvrir une voie pour une solution ».
Le texte complet de la série de propositions de la troļka :
« Évaluation de la Troļka sur les négociations : principales conclusions
La Troļka a passé en revue les positions des deux parties. Sans préjudice pour les positions des deux parties sur le statut, les principes suivants peuvent ouvrir une voie vers une solution :
1) Belgrade et Pristina chercheront ą développer la nature particuličre de leur relation, en particulier dans ses dimensions historique, économique, culturelle et humaine.
2) Belgrade et Pristina résoudront les futurs problčmes entre elles de maničre pacifique et ne sengageront pas dans des actions ou dispositions qui seraient considérées comme manaēantes par lautre partie.
3) Le Kosovo sera complčtement intégré dans les structures régionales, en particulier celles comprenant une coopération économique.
4) Il ny aura pas de retour au statut antérieur ą 1999.
5) Belgrade ne gouvernera pas le Kosovo.
6) Belgrade ne réétablira pas de présence physique au Kosovo.
7) Belgrade et Pristina sont déterminées ą progresser vers lassociation et éventuellement lintégration ą lUnion européenne, ainsi quą avancer progressivement vers les structures euratlantiques.
8) Pristina mettra en oeuvre de vastes mesures pour améliorer le bien-źtre des Serbes du Kosovo ainsi que des autres communautés non-albanaises, en particulier par le biais de la décentralisation du pouvoir local, de garanties constitutionnelles et de la protection du patrimoine culturel et religieux.
9) Belgrade et Pristina coopéreront sur
les questions dintérźt commun, comprenant
a) Le sort des personnes disparues et le retour des personnes déplacées
b) La protection des minorités
c) La protection du patrimoine culturel
d) Leur perspective européenne et leurs initiatives régionales
e) Les questions économiques, comprenant la politique fiscale et énergétique,
le commerce et lharmonisation avec les standards européens, le développement
dune croissance économique conjointe, et une stratégie de développement
en accord avec les initiatives économiques régionales
f) La libre circulation des personnes, des biens, des capitaux et des
g) Le secteur bancaire
h) Les infrastructures, les transports et les communications
i) La protection de lenvironnement
j) La santé publique et la protection sociale
k) La lutte contre la criminalité, en particulier dans les aires de
terrorisme, le trafic des źtres humains, darmes et de drogues, et le
crime organisé
l) La coopération entre les municipalités et le gouvernement de lune
des deux parties
m) Léducation.
10) Belgrade et Pristina établiront des institutions communes pour mettre en oeuvre la coopération.
11) Belgrade ninterférera pas dans les relations de Pristina avec les IFI [insitutions financičres internationales].
12) Pristina aura la pleine autorité sur ses finances (impōts, ressources publiques, etc.).
13) Le Processus de stabilisation et dassociation du Kosovo avec lUnion européenne continuera sans opposition de la part de Belgrade.
14) La communauté internationale conservera sa présence civile et militaire au Kosovo aprčs que le statut sera déterminé. »
RFE/RL NEWSLINE Vol. 11, No. 195, Part II, 22 October 2007
Seventeen months after Montenegrins voted for independence from Serbia,
Montenegro's parliament has agreed on a constitution for the country. A
two-thirds majority was needed, and in the end 55 of the assembly's 76 members
-- 72 percent, or four votes more than needed -- voted in favor of a
constitution that, critically, defines Montenegro as a state of citizens.
Montenegro's Serbian parties wanted it to be defined as a state of nations, a
wish that critics saw as an attempt to lay the grounds for secession. They and
a number of other, chiefly ethnic-minority parties opposed the draft
constitution's stance on issues of identity, such as official languages and
state symbols. However, in the end, the opposition Movement for Change, the
Liberal Party, and parties representing Montenegro's Bosnian Muslim and
Croatian minorities backed the governing coalition. Those who remained opposed
to the new constitution included three ethnic-Albanian parties and,
numerically more importantly, ethnic-Serbian parties. The new constitution
defines the country's state language as Montenegrin, not Serbian, and replaces
the colors of the Yugoslav flag -- red, white, and blue -- with an eagle on a
red backdrop. The passage of what the parliament's speaker, Radko Krivokapic,
described as a "modern," "European" constitution concludes
discussions on one of the issues that has most divided Montenegro since it
declared independence in June 2006. Krivokapic told national television on
October 19 that "whatever was demanded by some others for their support
for the constitution were requests that were unacceptable -- on language, on
symbols, on citizenship. None of this was acceptable for the state of
Montenegro to remain a state." AG
adoption of Montenegro's constitution amounts to spitting on the Orthodox
Church in Montenegro, the daily "Dan" on October 20 quoted
Metropolitan Amfilohije as saying. "Everything else is allowed but there
can be no name of the Orthodox Church there," Amfilohije said, referring
to the constitution. "For 2,000 years this church had its name and today
they call it a religious community. What does a religious community mean?
Today the Montenegrin parliament is determined to deprive the church of its
name, to turn it into some abstract religious community, to erase the church
of Christ, of St. Sava, and the Metropolitanate of Montenegro and the Littoral
that gave birth to Montenegro." Amfilohije heads the Serbian Orthodox
Church in Montenegro, which is locked in a dispute over property and history
with the Montenegrin Orthodox Church, which sees itself as Montenegro's
historical church and as a bearer of Montenegrins' national identity (see
"RFE/RL Newsline," April 13 and 16, and September 20, 2007). The
government has not publicly come down on any side, but the Serbian Orthodox
Church accuses it of backing the Montenegrin Orthodox Church, one of several
Orthodox Churches in the region that have not been recognized by the broader
Orthodox world. The relationship of Serbian Orthodox believers with the state
has also been strained recently by the government's decision to bar entry to a
bishop accused of aiding Serbian war-crimes suspects (see "RFE/RL
Newsline," July 31 and August 13, 2007). It has since softened its
position, allowing him entry under close supervision (see "RFE/RL
Newsline," September 7 and 10, 2007). AG
NATO Secretary-General Jaap De Hoop Scheffer warned Albanians that it is still
not certain that NATO leaders will invite Albania to join the alliance in
April 2008, the target date for Albania, Croatia, and Macedonia. "The
invitation tickets are not punched yet; further reform is necessary," de
Hoop Scheffer said after meeting with Albanian President Bamir Topi on October
19 in Brussels. "A lot of work will still have to be done and no
guarantees can be given," international news agencies quoted him as
saying. He highlighted the judiciary and the political system as areas in need
of reform. "I guarantee that we will deepen the reforms of the justice
and electoral systems, and focus attention on the fight against organized
crime and corruption," Topi responded. Albania is contributing troops to
NATO-led forces in Afghanistan, a fact that de Hoop Scheffer praised. He also
described Albania as a "moderating voice" in the Balkans. Albania is
strongly supportive of independence for Kosova and has been liaising
frequently with Macedonia, which has a large ethnic-Albanian minority, in an
effort to ensure stability in the region. Albania's population is also very
strongly in favor of NATO. In a speech given in Brussels on October 18, Topi
said that "94 percent of the Albanians support Euro-Atlantic integration,"
the news agency ATA reported. AP quoted unnamed NATO officials as saying it is
also still unclear whether Macedonia will be invited to join. Albania is
currently hosting its largest-ever NATO exercises. AG
Partia "Lėvizja e
Bulevardi "Zog I", Tiranė.
Tel&Fax: +355 4 230076
Tiranė, mė 20 tetor 2007
Informacion pėr mediat
Sot paradite nė njė nga sallat e Muzeut Historik Kombėtar zhvilloi punimet Konferenca e 9-tė e Degės sė PLL Tiranė.
Konferenca analizoi aktivitetin politik te degės pėr periudhėn dyvjeēare, e nė veēanti u ndal nė rezultatin zgjedhor tė Degės sė Tiranės pėr zgjedhjet e 18 shkurtit 2007.
Konferenca e konsideroi atė rezultat si tė suksesshėm nė raport me mundėsitė e PLL, ku siē dihet, mungesa e anėtarėve nė komisionet dhe grupet e numėrimit ishte vendimtare.
Nė kėtė konferencė pėrshendeti edhe kryetari i PLL Ekrem Spahiu, i cili ndėr tė tjera, nė fjalėn e tij tha se: "PLL ėshtė nė njė fazė tė rėndėsishme tė veprimtarisė sė saj, sikurse janė zhvillimi i konferencave zgjedhore nėpėr Degėt e Legalitetit. Dega e Tiranės sigurisht qė ėshtė dega mė e madhe dhe mė e rėndėsishme e PLL dhe si e tillė duhet t'i kushtohet vėmendja mė e madhe".
Zoti Spahiu tha se konferenca e Degės sė PLL Tiranė po zhvillohet nė njė klimė tė re politike ku spikasin nisma e Kryeministrit Berisha pėr rishikimin dhe rishkrimin e historisė nga institucionet kopetente, hapja nga zj. Jozefina Topalli e ekspozitės nė ambientet e Kuvendit tė Shqipėrisė pėr paraqitjen e dokumentave tė funksionimit tė parlamentarizmit nė vitet 1920-1939, vizitat e Kryetarit tė Shtetit z. Bamir Topi, Kryeministrit Sali Berisha dhe Kryetares sė Parlamentit zj. Jozefina Topalli tek Familja Mbretėrore, tė cilat marrin njė rėndėsi tė veēantė dhe ne i pėrshėndesim si njė vlerėsim ndaj vlerave dhe kontributeve qė Familja Mbretėrore Shqiptare ka dhėnė nė dobi tė kombit dhe atdheut.
Duke folur pėr aktualitetin z. Spahiu tha: "Pėrfshirja e PLL nė koalicionin qeverisės ėshtė njė njė vlerėsim prej kryeministrit Berisha tė vlerave qė pėrfaqėson Legaliteti dhe ne do tė japim kontributin tonė maksimal nė angazhimet qeverisėse.
Mazhoranca ėshė e vendosur nė rrugėn e realizimit tė tė gjitha reformave tė nisura, por mė prioritare mbeten reformat nė sistemin e drejtėsisė dhe atė zgjedhor, jo vetėm si domosdoshmėri pėr shqiptarėt dhe Shqipėrinė, por edhe si kushte tė ndėrkombėtarėve pėr proceset integruese tė Shqipėrisė nė strukturat euro-atlantike."
Zoti Spahiu tha gjithashtu se: "Fatkeqėsisht kemi njė opozitė tė papėrgjegjshmė qė i kundėrvihet proceseve demokratike nė te gjitha drejtimet duke filluar me mbrojtjen e hapur politike qė po i bėn kryeprokurorit Sollaku, pėr tė vazhduar me pengesat qė po mundohet ti krijojė ndėrtimit tė rrugės Durrės- Kukės- Morinė, qė ėshtė investimi mė i madh historik dhe strategjik i Shqipėrisė."
Konferenca e 9-tė e Degės sė PLL Tiranė caktoi detyrat e veta pėr tė ardhmen dhe zgjodhi organet e reja drejtuese.
Kryetar i Degės sė PLL Tiranė u rizgjodh z. Novruz Ndregjoni.
Zėdhėnėsi i PLL
RFE/RL NEWSLINE Vol. 11, No. 194, Part II, 19 October 2007
independence by Kosova would result in a "frozen conflict," with
Serbs in the north refusing to accept the legitimacy of a government in
Prishtina, Serbian President Boris Tadic warned on October 18 in an interview
given to Austrian newspapers. "First of all, the Kosovo Serbs would not
recognize any such independence -- no doubt about that. And how would the
Albanians implement their rules in those areas where Serbs make up a majority
of 90 percent?" the daily "Kurier" quoted Tadic as saying. The
news agency dpa quoted Tadic as making similar comments on October 16 to an
audience in Vienna. Political leaders from Belgrade and Prishtina are due to
meet in Vienna on October 22 for the next round of direct talks. Kosovar and
Serbian leaders, as well as international mediators, have all said there is
only a slim chance of a compromise agreement being reached by December 10, the
date that Kosova and Western powers believe should mark the end of talks on
Kosova's future. Serbia is offering Kosova "95 percent" autonomy, an
offer reiterated by Foreign Minister Vuk Jeremic in an interview published by
AP on October 17. AG
...WHILE KOSOVA HINTS AT UNILATERAL MOVE. Kosova's prime minister, Agim
Ceku, has fueled speculation that Kosova is prepared to declare independence
unilaterally, telling reporters in Prishtina on October 18 that "I always
think it is fairer to ask forgiveness for an action rather than ask permission
for an action." In their public statements so far, Kosova's leaders have
said they want "to coordinate" a declaration of independence "with
the international community," while underscoring that independence should
be declared shortly after December 10, when Kosova and Western powers say
negotiations about Kosova's final status should be concluded. According to
Reuters, Ceku said Kosova would like to win the backing of the UN Security
Council, but "more and more we see this will not happen." The threat
of a Russian veto in July halted efforts to resolve Kosova's status within the
framework of the Security Council. AG
Kryetari i PLL Ekrem Spahiu dhe njėkohėsisht zv/ministėr i MTKRS hedh poshtė me dokumente zyrtare shpifjet e publikuara ndaj tij nė "Gazetėn Shqiptare"
Kryetari i PLL Ekrem Spahiu, njėkohėsisht zėvendėsministėr i Turizmit, Kulturės, Rinisė dhe Sporteve, hedh poshtė me dokumente zyrtare akuzat e ngritura ndaj tij nė Gazetėn Shqiptare tė datės 15 tetor 2007.
Pastėrtinė e figurės sė Spahisė e vėrteton vendimi Nr. 673, datė 12 qershor 1997 i "Komisionit Shtetėror pėr Kontrollin e Figurės sė Zyrtarėve dhe Personave tė tjerė" me kryetar z. Hajri Mezini dhe Vendimi Nr. 200, datė 10 prill 1998 i po kėtij komisioni me kryetar z. Nafiz Bezhani.
Kėto dokumente zyrtarė janė lėshuar nga komisionet e sipėrcituara pėr kandidimin e tij nė zgjedhjet parlamentare te 29 qershorit 1997 dhe nė prag tė Kongresit tė XIV tė PLL me 12 prill 1998, sepse nė zgjedhjet parlamentare verifikimi i figurės sė kandidatėve ishte detyrim ligjor, ndėrsa nė rastin e dytė ishte detyrim statutor i PLL.
Ekrem Spahiu ėshtė ndeshur me akuza tė herėpashershme tė sajuara nga kundėrshtarėt e tij politikė, por ka dalė gjithė herėt triumfues ndaj tyre pėr shkak se e vėrteta ka qenė gjithmonė nė anėn e tij.
Ekrem Spahiu nuk ėshtė trembur asnjėherė nga ballafaqimi me tė vėrtetėn dhe ai mendon qė ajo duhet tė jetė detyrim moral pėr tė gjithė klasėn politike dhe se transparenca ndaj tė shkuarės e personave politikė dhe publikė ėshtė domosdoshmėri. Ai herė pas herė ka kėrkuar me insistim nė Parlamentin e Shqipėrisė dhe jashtė tij hapjen e dosjeve nė pėrgjithėsi dhe tė sė tijės nė veēanti, nėse ajo ka egzistuar.
Me kėto akuza tė hedhura nė qarkullim prej kundėrshtarėve dhe rivalėve politikė, Ekrem Spahiu ka fituar tre here radhazi mandatin e Kryetarit tė PLL, pėrkatėsisht nė vitet 1998, 2001 dhe 2005 duke garuar edhe me 4 kandidatė tė tjerė rivalė. Po ashtu Ekrem Spahiu ka konkurruar nė zgjedhjet parlamentare tė vitit 1997, ka qenė deputet i Legjislaturės XVI tė Kuvendit tė Shqipėrisė dhe aktualisht ėshtė zėvendėsministėr i kabinetit Berisha.
Ekrem Spahiu i konsideron sulmet e fundit tė ndėrmarra ndaj tij si njė fushatė tė sponsorizuar politikisht nga Partia Socialiste pėr tė penguar faktorizimin e PLL dhe tė tijin nė skenėn politike shqiptare, sepse Partia e Legalitetit dhe Spahiu konsiderohen kundėrshtarė realė, politikė dhe historikė me Partinė e Punės dhe pasardhėset e saj.
Fatkeqėsisht ndaj klasės sė nacionalistėve shqiptarė vazhdohet akoma tė hidhen akuza bajate dhe, ndryshe nga vitet e para kur ato akuzoheshin dhe dėnoheshin fillimisht si bashkėpunėtorė tė fashizmit dhe nazizmit, mė vonė si bashkėpunėtorė tė UDB jugosllave e KGB sovjetike, pėr tė vazhduar me akuza si agjentė tė Perėndimit, e pėr tė pėrfunduar nė akuzat e sotme si bashkėpunėtorė tė Sigurimit tė Shtetit. E thėnė mė fjalė tė tjera Spahiu qė nė lindje ka qenė i akuzuar dhe shpifjet mė tė fundit nuk sjellin asgjė tė re.
Nėse ka ndonjė ēėshtje pėr tė cilėn Ekrem Spahiu vazhdon tė mbetet i akuzuar ėshtė akuza e ngritur ndaj tij pėr ngjarjet e 14 shtatorit 1998 pėr tė ashtuquajturėn "organizim dhe pjesėmarrje nė kryengritje tė armatosur", pėr tė cilėn ai u burgos pėr rreth dy vjet me te padrejtė.
- 07:18
Zėvendėsministri i Kulturės Ekrem Spahia ka qenė agjent i sigurimit tė
shtetit. Ai figuron nė materialet e sigurimit me dosjen 2802, si informator.
Kėtė shėrbim Spahia e ka kryer nė rrethin e Fushė-Krujės pėr rreth 10
vjet, dhe pseudonimi i tij ka qenė Drita e Kuqe. Kėtė fakt e verifikon
dhe kėshilli gjyqėsor i Kasacionit, nė njė vendim tė vitit 1996. Nė kėtė
vit zėvendėsministri dhe kreu i PLL-sė u pengua nga Komisioni Shtetėror
i Kontrollit tė Zyrtarėve, pėr tė kandiduar nė zgjedhjet 26 majit e
vitit 1996, pėr shkak tė dosjes qė ai kishte nė sigurimin e shtetit. Nė
dosjen e Ekrem Gafurr Spahisė, thuhet qė data e rekrutimit ėshtė 19
tetor 1983.
Para zgjedhjeve tė vitit 1996, u ngrit
Komisioni i Verifikimit tė Pastėrtisė sė Figurave tė Zyrtarėve. Ky
komision shtetėror verifikonte pikėrisht jetėn e politikanėve dhe
vendoste pėr ta, nėse ishin tė pastėr pėr tė kandiduar. Ndėrkohė qė
sipas germės "c" tė nenit 2 nė ligjin 8043 i datės 30.11.1995,
thuhet se pėrjashtohen nga e drejta pėr tu zgjedhur apo emėruar nė
organet apo funksione shtetėrore, persona qė figurojnė tė regjistruar nė
materialet e sigurimit tė shtetit si bashkėpunėtor, agjent, informator,
rezident e strehues. Ishte po ky komision qė verifikoi se kandidati pėr
deputet Ekrem Spahia nuk mund tė merrte pjesė nė zgjedhje pėr shkak tė
pėrzierjes sė tij nė sigurimin e shtetit. Por Spahia e kundėrshtoi kėtė
vendim duke e ēuar ēėshtjen nė Gjykatėn e Kasacionit. Nė gjyqin e datės
26.04.1996, pas verifikimit tė dosjes dhe kėrkesės sė Spahisė pėr
anulimin e vendimit tė Komisionit Shtetėror pėr Kontrollin e Figurės sė
Zyrtarit, trupi gjykues vendosi rrėzimin e kėrkesės sė Spahisė. Sipas
verifikimeve tė bėra mbi Ekem Spahinė ai figuron i regjistruar nė
regjistrin model 2 tė Drejtorisė sė Punėve tė Brendshme Krujė me nr
2802, si informator. Ky fakt u verifikua nga trupi gjykues ndėrsa regjistri
pėrkatės i sigurimit iu tregua dhe Ekrem Spahisė. Referuar sėrish trupit
gjykues pėrbėrė nga Avni Shehu kryetar i Gjykatės sė Kasacionit, Agim
Shkupi dhe Metush Saraēi saktėsia e kėtij regjistri nuk mund tė vihet nė
Thuhet se pas zbulimit tė dosjes sė sigurimit dhe bėrjes publike janė
hedhur shumė para nga Ekrem Spahia pėr tė zhdukur kėtė dosje. Nė fakt
kjo dosje ekziston nė mikrofilm, pra nuk ėshtė mundur tė zhduket nga
materialet e sigurimit. Nė atė kohė kreu i Partisė Lėvizja e
Legalitetit, akuzoi Sali Berishėn si skenaristin e kėsaj ēėshtjeje mes
disa artikujve tė botuara nė Gazetėn Koha Jonė. Mes tyre lindi njė
armiqėsi e paparė qė u zbut vetėm pak vite mė vonė, pėr ēėshtje
interesash politike. Po thashethemet flasin se njė kopje tė dosjes sė tij
ėshtė edhe nė selinė blu, dosje e cila mund tė pėrdorė nė momentet e
rebelimit tė Spahisė. Nė vitin 1998 me ardhjen e socialistėve nė
pushtet, ligji 8043 i datės 30.11.1995 u shfuqizua gjė qė bėri tė
mundur shpėlarjen e figurės sė Ekrem Spahiut. Nė vitin 2001 ai konkurroi
nė zgjedhjet pėr deputet, kėtė herė pa frikėn se mund tė pengohej nga
ndonjė gjė. Aktualisht ai ėshtė deputet nė kuvendin e Shqipėrisė dhe
njėkohėsisht zėvendėsministėr i Turizmit Kulturės Rinisė dhe Sporteve.
Gjatė gjithė kohės Ekrem Spahia nuk e ka pranuar asnjėherė faktin qė
ka qenė informator i sigurimit tė shtetit, edhe pse dosja e tij ėshtė
verifikuar edhe nga palė tė tjera kompetente. Rihapja e dosjeve tė
sigurimit ėshtė njė ndėr ēėshtjet mė tė lakuara nė politikė kėto
ditėt e fundit ndėrkohė qė projektligji nė parim ėshtė mbėshtetur si
nga e majta dhe nga e djathta.
RFE/RL NEWSLINE Vol. 11, No. 191, Part II, 16 October 2007
ALBANIAN FOREIGN MINISTER UNDER THREAT OF PROSECUTION. Lulzim Basha is one step closer to a criminal prosecution for corruption after Albania's chief prosecutor on October 15 urged parliament to strip him of immunity, AP and local media reported. The chief prosecutor, Theodhori Sollaku, believes Basha may have been guilty of impropriety when in October 2006, as transportation minister, he awarded a major, 418 million-euro ($595 million) road-building contract to a U.S.-Turkish consortium. No date has yet been set for parliament to vote on Sollaku's proposal. Relations between the Democratic Party, of which Basha is a member, and Sollaku have long been strained, and President Bamir Topi, a Democrat, urged Sollaku to resign late in September. Topi has the power to sack Sollaku, but, after a meeting with a European Parliament delegation on October 8, he said it should be parliament that decides Sollaku's future. At issue are Sollaku himself and the constitution, which imposes no time limits on a chief prosecutor's tenure. Democrats would like to see the chief prosecutor serve fire-year terms. Sollaku, who has been in office since 2002, has been subject to a parliamentary-commission investigation into his assets, alleged abuse of office, and suspected links to organized crime. AG
RFE/RL NEWSLINE Vol. 11, No. 188, Part II, 11 October 2007
Kosova's prime minister, Agim Ceku, said on October 9 that Kosova will declare
independence within days of the assumed end of talks on the region's status on
December 10. Speaking to reporters in London after meeting his British
counterpart, David Miliand, Ceku said that "the declaration [of
independence] can only be unilateral. What we are doing is...seeking as much
support as we can." He added: "We would like to have support of all
members of the European Union, but we have made this very clear: We would like
to have this support but we are not ready to wait until they all agree to [an]
independent Kosova." Prishtina's official position so far has been that
any declaration of independence would be "coordinated" with the
international community. Ceku did not clarify whether his statement entailed
any substantive change in position. The United States and a number of European
states have described Kosova's independence as "inevitable," but the
EU has warned Kosova off any unilateral move, and U.S. Secretary of State
Condoleezza Rice has said Washington does not think a unilateral declaration
of independence is "a very good idea" (see "RFE/RL Newsline,"
September 26, 2007). Kosova, the United States, and the EU all argue that
talks should end on December 10. Serbia and Russia contend that any time
limits would merely encourage the Kosovar Albanians not to negotiate. That
argument was reiterated on October 10 by Serbia's minister for Kosovar affairs,
Slobodan Samardzic, who, according to AP, said on October 10 that the United
States is "obstructing" talks on Kosova by promising independence to
the breakaway province. In an interview published by the German paper
"Der Spiegel" on October 10, French Foreign Minister Bernard
Kouchner put the chances of an agreement by December 10 at "10
percent." AG
ALBANIA HOSTS NATO EXERCISES. Forces from six NATO member states and
16 members of NATO's Partnership for Peace program on October 9 began three
weeks of exercises in Albania. The exercises will continue until October 30.
"In their broadest sense, these exercises are linked to the stability of
the Balkan region. They are also a way for us to oversee Albania's bid to join
NATO," the commander of the exercises, General Roland Kather, told local
media. Albania is currently a member of the Partnership for Peace but hopes to
be invited in April 2008 to join NATO, along with Croatia and neighboring
Macedonia. These are not the first exercises held by NATO in Albania, but they
are the largest. AG
RFE/RL NEWSLINE Vol. 11, No. 185, Part II, 5 October 2007
KOSOVAR GUERRILLA GROUP REEMERGES... The militant ethnic-Albanian
group the Albanian National Army (AKSh) has warned Serbia that it is prepared
to fight for Kosova's independence. Footage shown on Radio-Television Kosova
on October 3 showed masked armed men calling themselves members of the AKSh
patrolling a highway and stopping cars. This is reportedly the first time
pictures of the group have appeared on Kosovar television. The report said the
site was near Podujevo, close to Kosova's border with Serbia. One of the
approximately 10 men who appeared in the film told the producer, an
independent journalist, that "given the very serious threat...from
Serbian paramilitaries in Kosova, and that Serbia...will invade Kosova again,
we have decided to get prepared and to be more vigilant." The group also
said NATO is not doing an adequate job of protecting Kosova from possible
attacks. A Serbian militia group has warned it would fight for Serbian
sovereignty over Kosova, and the Kosovar newspaper "Koha ditore"
reported on September 27 that the group -- and two others -- has recently
written to NATO and the UN Mission in Kosova (UNMIK) warning of war should
Kosova declare independence (see "RFE/RL Newsline," April 30, May 7,
and June 27, 2007). There have also been signals by one member of Serbia's
governing coalition that Serbia would feel free to send troops into Kosova if
the disputed province were to declare independence (see "RFE/RL Newsline,"
August 21, 2007). The AKSh emerged in Kosova after the 1998-99 war and it also
says it has a presence in southern Serbia and Macedonia. It has laid claim to
a number of terrorist acts in Kosova, and two of its suspected leaders were
among a group of seven prisoners who escaped from a high-security prison in
August (see "RFE/RL Newsline," August 20, and October 3, 2007). It
has made news on several occasions this year: in June, the AKSh warned the St.
Tsar Lazar Guard that "we are waiting for you with bullets," and in
August authorities arrested an alleged AKSh member for a grenade attack on an
ethnic-Albanian mayor (see "RFE/RL Newsline," June 27 and August 31,
2007). AG
politicians, President Fatmir Sejdiu and Prime Minister Agim Ceku, both issued
calls for restraint on October 4, warning that the presence of militia forces
in Kosova would harm the region's bid for independence. Belgrade voiced its
concern, as well as dismissing the threat of violence posed by Serbs.
According to the Serbian broadcaster B92, Serbian Foreign Minister Vuk Jeremic
said on October 4 that "if you have a political request, and you are
ready to use arms unless your political request is fulfilled, that is called
terrorism in certain parts of the world" and that the threat of terrorism
should not "loom over the process" of deciding Kosova's future.
Serbian President Boris Tadic called the decision to air the footage an
advertisement for terrorists and a threat to Serbs in the region, B92 reported
on October 4. Speaking to the news service Balkan Insight on October 4, a
spokesman for the Serbian government, Milivoje Mihajlovic, described as "ridiculous"
the claim that Belgrade is planning for war. Earlier, on October 3,
politicians in the Serbian-populated north of Kosova told the radio station
Kontakt Plus that Kosovar media reports that Serbian "parallel or illegal
structures" are operating in northern Kosova are false. "There are
undoubtedly no paramilitary units in northern Kosovo at the moment," a
senior Serbian leader in the divided city of Mitrovica, Nebojsa Jovic, said.
He also suggested the claims are a "cover" for a repeat of anti-Serbian
unrest in 2004. Another leader, Milan Ivanovic, said the video is evidence
that NATO-led forces have failed to demilitarize Kosova. His namesake but
political opponent, Oliver Ivanovic, urged international forces to respond and
to take the AKSh's emergence seriously, but added that he does not believe
they pose a "real threat" and are "virtual [militia] units."
Ki-moon has reiterated the importance of deciding Kosova's future soon,
stating in a report published on October 3 that "at this stage, further
progress [in Kosova] depends on a timely resolution of the future status of
Kosovo." Ban warned in his regular quarterly report that "a further
prolongation of the future-status process puts at risk the achievements of the
United Nations in Kosovo since June 1999" and that "there is a real
risk of progress beginning to unravel and of instability in Kosovo and the
region." "There remains a discernible underlying volatility in
Kosovo, which has been accentuated by disappointment expressed by the people
of Kosovo at the prolongation of the Kosovo future-status process," Ban
said. Ban did not say that talks should end on December 10 -- when EU, U.S.,
and Russian diplomats mediating direct talks between Belgrade and Prishtina
are due to submit a report to the UN -- and limited himself to saying that
"consideration should be given as to how to deal with a situation in
which the sides are unable to reach an agreement by the end of the current
period of engagement." However, his statement appears to suggest concern
at the possibility of open-ended discussions, as Serbia and Russia are calling
for. Serbian Foreign Minister Vuk Jeremic reiterated Serbia's position on
October 4, telling the Council of Europe that "with a set time and a
default position that amounts to their maximalist demands, what interest could
the Kosovo Albanians have in negotiating in good faith?" Ban also called
for Kosovar Serbs to fully take part in elections scheduled for November 17.
Belgrade has urged them not to take part and, instead, to participate in
parallel elections in Serbian-dominated areas. The report is due to be
submitted next week to the UN's highest body, the Security Council. Belgrade's
and Prishtina's negotiating teams are next due to meet on October 14. AG
...AS EU PREPARES KOSOVA MISSION... The EU's foreign-policy chief, Javier
Solana, said on October 3 that the EU's planned mission to Kosova "will
be ready to be deployed from the moment the [UN] secretary-general decides it
is time to move from UNMIK to another type of mission." Under a proposal
drawn up by the UN's envoy to the Kosova status talks, Martti Ahtisaari, the
UN should hand over responsibility for overseeing Kosova to the EU, but Serbia
has rejected the plan outright and it is unclear whether an EU mission would
win a mandate from the UN. Solana's statement suggests he believes that, in
such a case, it would rest with Ban to decide what the next step should be.
Despite the uncertainties, Solana told the European Parliament, "we have
to be prepared, we Europeans, to remain in the driving seat." The EU
believes that, in the absence of an agreement between Belgrade and Prishtina,
it should have the critical say on Kosova's future. Senior EU figures have not
said, however, whether the EU would call on the UN to play a role should
direct talks end in an impasse. The Kosovar daily "Koha ditore"
reported on October 3 that Britain's chief diplomat in Prishtina, David Blunt,
said that in that case, the issue of Kosova's status would probably have to be
sent back to the UN Security Council. AG
...AND ATTACKS RUSSIAN 'UNILATERALISM.' Russia was guilty of "selfish
unilateralism" when it threatened in July to veto a UN Security Council
resolution paving the way for Kosova to gain independence, EU Enlargement
Commissioner Olli Rehn said on October 4. "We call on other partners in
the international community to adopt a responsible attitude that can
facilitate a negotiated solution," Rehn said in a speech to Parisian
students, international media reported. "In the end, the international
community will be judged by its ability to use responsible and effective
multilateralism," Rehn said. "Kosovo will not be the 51st state of
the United States, and Serbia is not trying to join the Russian Federation!"
he added. He did not elaborate whether his reference to the United States
reflected opposition to Washington's strong support for Kosova's independence,
or to Serbian claims that the United States is seeking to turn Kosova into a
"puppet state" of NATO (see "RFE/RL Newsline," August 16,
20, 21, and 24, and September 4 and 17, 2007). However, Rehn underlined
Europe's primacy in international efforts to decide Kosova's future, saying
"the future of Serbia and Kosovo lies in the European Union." AG
SERBS FAVOR KOSOVA OVER EU... Two in five Serbs would be prepared to
sacrifice the hope of EU membership for continued sovereignty over Kosova, a
poll published on October 3 has found. Local and international media found 41
percent backed such a position, and 37 percent would want Serbia to break off
diplomatic relations with any state that recognized a unilateral declaration
of independence by Kosova. An almost identical number oppose such a move. Four
in seven Serbs believe Kosova is a more important issue than EU accession. The
poll, which was conducted by the Belgrade-based Center for Free Elections and
Democracy (CeSID), also found that 10 percent of Serbs would be willing to go
to war to maintain control over Kosova. The EU insists that the issues of
Serbia's accession to the EU and Kosova's independence are unconnected, but
Serbian Prime Minister Vojislav Kostunica has said that EU officials made an
"indecent offer" linking the two (see "RFE/RL Newsline,"
July 17, 2007). The poll also found that three in five Serbs -- 59 percent --
oppose membership of NATO under any circumstances. Kostunica believes Serbia
should remain neutral and, according to Serbian television reports, Kostunica
on October 4 echoed comments by party colleagues that the West's underlying
aim is to turn Kosova into a NATO client state (see "RFE/RL Newsline,"
August 16, 20, 21, and 24, and September 4 and 17, 2007). Some 26 percent of
Serbs polled believe Serbia should join both the EU and NATO. AG
...AND INCREASINGLY FAVOR RADICALS. The CeSID poll also found that
support for the country's largest parliamentary party, the Serbian Radical
Party (SRS), is growing. The poll found that the SRS, which topped
parliamentary elections in January 2007 with 29 percent of the popular vote,
now has the backing of 33 percent of Serbs. The second-largest party, the
Democratic Party of President Boris Tadic, has also seen its support rise,
from 23 percent in January's elections to 29 percent. The alliance of the
Democratic Party of Serbia (DSS) and the small New Serbia party would get 13
percent of the vote. In January, they won 17 percent of the vote. The other
member of the current governing coalition, the G17 Plus party, has the backing
of just 4 percent of Serbs, too few to enter parliament. The party of the late
Slobodan Milosevic would just make it into parliament, with 5 percent of the
vote. The poll augurs well for the SRS's prospects in upcoming local elections.
However, there have been questions about the unity of the party in recent
months, with the daily "Vecernje novosti" on September 30 describing
differences between the party's acting leader, Tomislav Nikolic, and Maja
Gojkovic, the mayor of Novi Sad, as "the most serious misunderstanding in
the SRS leadership in the past 15 years." The dispute appears to have its
origins in Gojkovic's statement -- first made in April -- that she plans to
run for president in 2012. The CeSID poll found that Serbia's current
president, Tadic, is the country's most popular politician (12 percent),
followed by Nikolic and Kostunica (both 9 percent). AG
chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former
Yugoslavia (ICTY), on October 3 described "progress" in Serbia's
hunt for four suspected war criminals as "rather slow" and said that
"I am increasingly worried that this slow progress will not lead to a
positive outcome." Del Ponte highlighted, as an example of her
disappointment, that the ICTY is "still waiting for documents, some of
which were requested last year." She reiterated that the ICTY wants
"full and unconditional access" to requested government archives.
Serbian reports indicated that during a recent visit to Belgrade, Serbian
authorities promised to hand over confidential documents to Del Ponte by
October 1 (see "RFE/RL Newsline," September 21, 2007). Del Ponte's
comments to international media bode poorly for Serbia's bid for EU membership,
as Brussels has made clear that the development of relations depends on its
cooperation with the ICTY. Del Ponte is due this month to submit an official
report to the EU about Serbia's cooperation with the UN tribunal, an
assessment that may prove critical to Serbian hopes of taking a first step
towards joining the EU, signing a Stabilization and Association Agreement.
Serbia hopes to take the next step -- becoming a candidate member -- in the
first half of 2008. Del Ponte's statement stands in strong contrast to her
position in June when, for the first time, she issued her first positive
assessment of Serbia's cooperation with the ICTY (see "RFE/RL Newsline,"
June 7, 2007). AG
WIFE CALLS FOR KARADZIC TO SURRENDER... The wife of Radovan Karadzic, the
Bosnian Serbs' wartime leader, has renewed her call for her husband to
surrender to the ICTY. Ljiljana Zelen-Karadzic first urged her husband to give
himself up in July 2005, a call made, she said, under pressure from the CIA.
In an interview published by the Bosnian magazine "Slobodna Bosna"
on October 4, Zelen-Karadzic said that Karadzic's continued evasion of justice
means that his family is "going through hell" and that "we only
want all this to end, that he surrenders or be arrested." She also said
that no one in her family knows of Karadzic's whereabouts. Zelen-Karadzic said
that "the last time Radovan was here was 2002," by which stage he
had already been on the run for seven years. Since then, she has had no
contact with Karadzic, who faces numerous charges, including charges related
to the massacre at Srebrenica in 1995. "He did not even react when his
mother died, when our son was detained and maltreated, or when our youngest
grandchild underwent complicated hip surgery," Zelen-Karadzic said. Their
son, Aleksandar, was arrested by NATO in July 2005 and was deported from
Serbia in September when he went to visit his son in a Belgrade hospital (see
"RFE/RL Newsline," September 17, 2007). In March 2003, Karadzic's
mother, Jovanka, urged him not to surrender. A Bosnian newspaper, "Oslobodenje,"
in February quoted a source in Bosnia's intelligence service as saying
Karadzic was hiding in Russia (see "RFE/RL Newsline," February 2,
2007). However, the ICTY has since said it has no idea where Karadzic
currently is (see "RFE/RL Newsline," June 19, 2007). AG
...AND TALKS OF 'DEAL' WITH U.S.. In her interview with "Slobodna
Bosna," Zelen-Karadzic also asserted that her husband told her he signed
a secret agreement in 1996 with U.S. diplomat Richard Holbrooke that promised
he would "not have to worry about The Hague if he gave up his political
career in Bosnia." The claim has been made repeatedly since the war, but
the question recently returned to public attention following the publication
in September of a book containing allegations by a former spokeswoman for the
ICTY that Russia and Western powers systematically prevented the capture of
Karadzic (see "RFE/RL Newsline," September 11 and 12, 2007). Soon
after, Serbia said it is questioning Serbs who acted as mediators in
negotiations between Karadzic and Holbrooke in an effort to ascertain the
truth of the allegations (see "RFE/RL Newsline," September 21,
2007). Zelen-Karadzic also stated that in 2001 the then U.S.
ambassador-at-large for war crimes, Pierre-Richard Prosper, visited Karadzic's
brother and told him that "they will never see [Karadzic] alive again and
that they will kill him when they find him, and we will die of hunger."
Zelen-Karadzic recounted that "similar things" were said to her by
Steven Schook, then NATO's commander in Bosnia-Herzegovina and now the UN's
second-most-senior official in Kosova (see "RFE/RL Newsline,"
October 1, 2007). AG
Lapparition télévisée dhommes armés et masqués, arborant les insignes de lArmée nationale albanaise (AKSH) et patrouillant sur les grandes routes du Kosovo, a jeté le trouble ą Pristina. Tous les dirigeants politiques albanais affirment que le Kosovo « na pas besoin » dune nouvelle guérilla, appelant au respect de lordre et de la loi. Par contre, Gafur Adili, le porte-parole officiel du FBKSH, souligne, depuis Tirana, que le temps de la diplomatie est désormais dépassé.
Par Fatmir Aliu et Sami Kastrati
Le Président du Kosovo Fatmir Sejdiu et le Premier ministre Agim Ēeku
nont pas voulu faire de commentaires sur la signification de la récente
apparition publique de lAKSH. Ils ont préféré souligner que « le
Kosovo navait pas besoin dun tel groupe armé ».
« Je ne peux rien dire sauf que le Kosovo na pas besoin de structures qui se placent en-dehors des institutions », a déclaré le Président Sejdiu, ajoutant que, pour le moment, il était plus important de faire preuve de maturité et de maintenir la stabilité.
Le Président Sejdiu a cependant estimé que de telles apparitions de personnes armées étaient les conséquences de la lenteur du processus de résolution du statut du Kosovo. En effet, selon lui, « laisser traīner ce processus laissera la porte ouverte ą laction de différentes organisations ».
Des personnes masquées et armées, portant des uniformes noirs avec lemblčme de lAKSH sur lépaule et des masques semblables ą ceux de lancienne UĒK, sont apparues publiquement pour la premičre fois mercredi soir, dans lédition principale du journal de la Radiotélévison kosovare (RTK).
« Faites confiance ą la KFOR ! »
Démentant les affirmations de ces personnes masquées, qui affirment se préparer ą une possible invasion de la Serbie au Kosovo, le président Sejdiu a répété que le Kosovo ne devait pas répondre aux menaces de guerre venant de son voisinage. Fatmir Sejdiu a rappelé que la sécurité du Kosovo était assurée par lOTAN, avec de nombreux autres mécanismes institutionnels de sécurité, et quil ne fallait donc plus penser ą la guerre.
« Nous avons pleine confiance en la KFOR, elle sengagera ą tout moment ą réagir ą toute provocation de nimporte quelle forme qui viserait ą déstabiliser le Kosovo, ą en faire un nouveau foyer de confrontations violentes, selon les désirs secrets de certains de nos voisins. »
Le Premier ministre Agim Ēeku partage le point de vue du Président
Sejdiu, soulignant que lapparition de personnes masquées et en
uniforme allait contre lintérźt des Kosovars, qui est de construire
leur État. Ancien commandant de létat-major général de lUĒK,
puis chef du TMK, Agim Ēeku a appelé les Kosovars ą continuer ą
soutenir les institutions nationales et internationales de sécurité
comme ils le font depuis la fin de la guerre, rappellant que cest
seulement de cette maničre que pourra źtre garantie la sécurité.
« Lapparition de tels individus nest pas un bon message pour le Kosovo, et jappelle tous les citoyens du Kosovo ą jouer un rōle actif dans la sécurité du Kosovo, en soutenant et en collaborant avec les institutions de sécurité publique. Cest la voie la plus juste pour défendre et construire le Kosovo, pour préserver la paix et la stabilité », a déclaré Agim Ēeku.
Le ministre de lIntérieur du Kosovo Blerim Kuēi a indirectement qualifié lAKSH de structure illégale, et déclare que « le Kosovo na pas besoin dautres structures armées que celles qui sont légales et légitimes ». Le ministre reconnaīt que les derniers développements autour du processus dindépendance du Kosovo « pouvaient provoquer différentes tensions ».
Gafur Adili : « la fin de notre appel ą la patience »
« La situation générale de sécurité au Kosovo est sensible, ą cause de différents facteurs, intérieurs et extérieurs. Quoi quil en soit, il existe au Kosovo des structures légales et légitimes de sécurité, qui sont engagées avec dévotion ą défendre la sécurité publique, la vie et la propriété des Kosovars. Il doit źtre clair pour tous que le Kosovo compte plus de sept mille policiers du SHPK (KPS), ainsi que les hommes des Troupes de Défense du Kosovo (TMK) et les soldats de la KFOR dirigées par lOTAN, sans oublier enfin la police de la MINUK », a déclaré Blerim Kuēi dans une déclaration ą la presse.
Il sera facile pour le ministčre de lIntérieur du Kosovo de trouver des informations sur lapparition de ces personnes armées, puisque leurs communiqués sont signés du nom de Gafur Adili. Ce dernier a déclaré, depuis Tirana, que ces groupes armés faisaient partie « des structures réguličres » de lAKSH, rejetant laccusation que les personnes masquées apparues ą la RTK seraient des « bandes de brigands ». Dans son communiqué envoyé aux médias, Gafur Adili affirme que lapparition publique de ces combattants était liée ą la perte de patience des Albanais, quil a déją soulignée dans le passé, mais que la communauté internationale ne semble pas vouloir prendre en considération.
« Depuis longtemps, les véritables structures de lAKSH ont averti tous les responsables du Front pour lunité nationale albanaise (FBKSH) que notre appel ą la patience et nos efforts visant ą réaliser lunion nationale albanaise par des moyens diplomatico-politiques étaient arrivés ą leur terme », précise le communiqué de Gafur Adili, porte-parole politique du FBKSH.
RFE/RL NEWSLINE Vol. 11, No. 184, Part II, 4 October 2007
head of the Russian Orthodox Church, Patriarch Aleksy II, offered on October 2
to help in talks to resolve Kosova's future, citing his church's "considerable
experience in peace-building and peacemaking, and we stand ready to
help." He did not indicate what Kosova's status should be, but in his
speech, which he made in Strasbourg at the Council of Europe, he indicated
that some of those forming international opinion "have never been to
Kosovo and have never seen with their own eyes what Kosovo means for the
Serbian people." According to Kosovar media reports, Aleksy said that any
unilateral solution that did not take into account the position of the Serbian
people would result in injustice and suffering. He also lamented the
destruction of Orthodox culture in the contested region and called for greater
efforts to preserve it. "There are many monuments that are sacred to the
people of Serbia, and we cannot silently stand by when those monuments are
being destroyed, despite the fact that they are under the protection of UNESCO
and were built in the 12th, 13th, or 14th century," Aleksy said. The
Serbian Orthodox Church strongly supports continued Serbian sovereignty over
Kosova, and its senior cleric in Kosova, Bishop Artemije, has also said it
would prefer Kosova to be independent rather than partitioned, given that
"imposed independence would be looked at as a form of occupation, and
every occupation of a territory lasts a period of time and ends" (see
"RFE/RL Newsline," August 16, 2007). AG
a former prime minister of Kosova currently facing trial for war crimes, will
be allowed to return to Kosova for his nephew's funeral, the International
Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) decided on October 3.
Haradinaj is due to return to The Hague by October 7 after the burial of his
10-year-old relative, who was hit by a bus on October 2, and he has been
ordered to keep the visit strictly private. The court refused earlier this
summer to allow Haradinaj to return to Kosova during the court's summer recess
on the grounds that his return could discourage witnesses from coming forward
to give testimony. The court's case against Haradinaj, who faces 37 charges,
is being hampered by the unwillingness of witnesses to appear in court, a fact
that has prompted the ICTY to criticize the UN Mission in Kosova for its
perceived close ties to Haradinaj (see "RFE/RL Newsline," March 2
and 28, and June 28, 2007). Questions about the UN mission's links with
Haradinaj are at the heart of a current controversy involving the mission's
second-in-command, Steven Schook, who in late September revealed that he is
being investigated by the UN (see "RFE/RL Newsline," October 1,
2007). Haradinaj was indicted in 2005 and immediately gave himself up to the
ICTY. He was allowed to remain in Kosova until March 2007, when his trial
started. Haradinaj heads his party's list of candidates for elections to be
held in November (see "RFE/RL Newsline," September 6, 2007). AG
ALBANIA ARRESTS OIL OFFICIALS FOR CORRUPTION. Albanian police on October 3 arrested four former managers of Albania's state-controlled oil company, Albpetrol, on charges of corruption, local and international media reported. All four left the company in 2006. Police have also issued arrest warrants for two former officials of another oil-sector company, the oil-distribution company ARMO, which is also state-owned. Their arrests bring the total number of corruption-related arrests in the past two months to 17. The highest-profile man arrested is a former deputy minister, Nikolin Jaka, whose then superior, current Foreign Minister Lulzim Basha, is under scrutiny by fellow politicians for his role in a series of tenders (see "RFE/RL Newsline," September 19, 2007). The arrests of the Albpetrol and ARMO officials also relate to tenders. Prime Minister Sali Berisha has announced a "zero-tolerance" policy toward government corruption, but has so far resisted the pressure to remove Basha from his post. According to Transparency International's "Corruption Perception Index" published in late September, Albania ranked as the most corrupt state in Southeastern Europe, at 105th out of 179. That is a mild improvement on its previous ranking, 111th. Corruption is a constant subject of criticism by the EU, which Albania hopes to join. AG
RFE/RL NEWSLINE Vol. 11, No. 183, Part II, 3 October 2007
representing ethnic Albanians in Serbia's Presevo Valley united on September
29 to make a joint statement in support of the UN's proposal for Kosova, which
would pave the way for Kosova to gain independence. This is the first time
that the region's five senior leaders have adopted a joint position on the
future of Kosova. They justified their position by arguing that Serbia has
failed to bring security to the region. "In the context of Serbia's
stalling of the process of European integration, we give our full support to
the [UN envoy Martti] Ahtisaari plan for the future status of Kosova, as only
this package could solve the province's issue and produce permanent peace and
stability in the region," they said in their declaration, the news agency
Beta reported. They also said that the security situation in the region has
"deteriorated," and they warned that unspecified statements by
Serbian officials "constituted a threat to regional stability and peace."
They also warned Belgrade that "any form of militarization of the Presevo
Valley is a threat to regional stability and its economic development."
The Serbian authorities strengthened border patrols in August following a
highway ambush involving armed ethnic-Albanians (see "RFE/RL Newsline,"
August 7, 2007). Much of the three-hour meeting was reportedly devoted to
criticism of Belgrade's failure to invest more into the region, which is one
of the poorest in Serbia, and to criticism of a special political body created
for the region by the Serbian government. The five leaders present did not say
how they would respond to any partition of Kosova, an option that both Serbian
and Kosovar Albanian negotiators have refused to discuss in talks about
Kosova's future. The Ahtisaari plan has been accepted by Kosovar Albanians,
but rejected by Serbia. AG
RFE/RL NEWSLINE Vol. 11, No. 182, Part II, 2 October 2007
ALBANIA OPPOSES UNILATERAL MOVE BY KOSOVA. Kosova should not unilaterally declare independence from Serbia, Albanian Prime Minister Sali Berisha said on September 29. "Any unilateral decision or act to proclaim Kosova independent would be counterproductive for Albanians if it is not coordinated with the U.S. government and other countries that have clearly and firmly opted for this independence as the only solution," the September 30 edition of the daily "Rilindja Demokratike" quoted Berisha as telling government ministers. Berisha's position is similar to that held by some in the Kosovar leadership's five-member negotiating team. This is, however, the first time that Albania has come out against a unilateral move by Kosova, whose population is overwhelmingly Albanian in ethnicity. U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said on September 24 that Washington has "told the Kosovars that we don't think a unilateral declaration of independence is a very good idea," but less senior members of the U.S. administration have said on several occasions over the past half-year that Washington would back a unilateral move by Kosova (see "RFE/RL Newsline," April 18 and September 10, 12, and 26, 2007). AG
1,500 ethnic Albanians on September 28 heeded a call by Macedonia's largest
ethnic-Albanian party, the Democratic Union for Integration (BDI), to gather
in central Skopje to protest against alleged police violence during a police
operation to end a blockade of parliament on September 25 (see "RFE/RL
Newsline," September 27, 2007). The roadblock followed a fight within
parliament between members of the BDI and another ethnic-Albanian party, the
Party for Democratic Prosperity (PPD). It remains unclear exactly why the
unrest within parliament spread outside the building, but the BDI has blamed
the police. Nine people, including five police officers, were injured during
the operation, which a BDI member, Xhevad Ademi, described as "state
terror," according to AFP on September 28. AG
another aftershock from the violent scenes triggered by the ethnic-Albanian
parties' confrontation, Macedonia's largest opposition party, the Social
Democratic Alliance of Macedonia (SDSM), on September 30 demanded the
resignation of Interior Minister Gordana Jankulovska, local media reported.
The SDSM did not criticize the police operation outside parliament, but argued
that Jankulovska should be held responsible for a subsequent incident in which
a television cameraman was beaten by security forces after refusing to hand
over footage. He was traveling in a car with two of the BDI's members of
parliament. The incident reportedly left the journalist, Igor Ljubovcevski,
with two broken ribs. In protest, journalists boycotted a press conference
with Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski on September 27. Separately, the news
agency Makfax reported on September 27 that police have brought charges
against an unidentified man for an assault on a journalist, Lirim Dulovi,
during the brawl between ethnic-Albanian parties inside the parliament
building on September 25. The few details provided indicate that the man comes
from a part of Macedonia predominantly populated by ethnic Albanians. The SDSM
called for Jankulovska's resignation in mid-September after a policeman was
killed in an ambush by a group of ethnic-Albanian gunmen (see "RFE/RL
Newsline," September 10 and 12, 2007). AG
Princi Leka II, fėmijė doja tė isha ambasador i Shqipėrisė
02/10/2007 - 08:39
"Ne" ne
Thuhet se Zogollėt kanė pasur lidhje me fisin e Skėnderbeut, si ėshtė
Po, ėshtė e vėrtetė. Mamica, motra e Skėnderbeut ėshtė martuar nė
familjen tonė dhe ne kemi qenė njė nga principatat e Skėnderbeut qė kanė
luftuar pėrkrah tij. Me origjinė ne jemi nga Gjakova, jemi matjanė dhe kemi
qenė udhėheqės tė zonės sė Matit dhe tė Dibrės para 500 vitesh.
Pra, ėshtė lidhje krushqie, jo lidhje gjaku?
Fakti qė ka pasur njė martesė tė tillė do tė thotė se ne jemi
familja e vetme qė ka lidhje tė drejtpėrdrejtė me Skėnderbeun.
Nė librin Guiness shkruhet se gjyshi juaj ka pirė 150 cigare nė ditė.
Vėrtetė e pinte kaq shumė duhanin?
Mbreti Zog ka pirė shumė, jashtėzakonisht shumė duhan, edhe babai im e
pinte shumė dhe zakonisht pinte 80 cigare nė ditė.
A kanė qenė tė lidhura kėto atentate pėr gjakmarrje, si pasojė e
asaj fejesės qė ka pasur Mbreti Zog me Vėrlacėt?
Jo, nuk kanė pasur lidhje. Zyrtarisht ne kemi qenė nė gjak me Vėrlacėt
deri nė vitin 75, por me dasmėn e Mbretit Leka ėshtė qetėsuar...
Princi, ēfarė stili ka nė jetesėn e tij, si ka qenė fėmijėria
Nė fakt unė gjithmonė nė zemėr kam qenė njė djalė i thjeshtė dhe
i zakonshėm, por ka pasur njė pėrgjegjėsi dhe njė emėr, njė titull.
Kur e keni mėsuar se keni pėrgjegjėsi pėr kėtė titull?
Ka qenė pjesė e jetės sime, sepse ka qenė njė element i jetės qė e
kam pasur gjithmonė. Unė jam rritur me njė traditė shqiptare. Edhe kur
kemi qenė nė Afrikėn e Jugut, babai im ka pasur njė dėshirė qė unė tė
jem njė ēun shqiptar i vėrtetė.
A ndihesh i tillė nė shpirt, sepse nga pamja e jashtme, me flokėt e
verdha dukeni si nordik?
Ky ka qenė njė problem. Kur kam qenė adoleshent e kam mėrzitur shumė
nėnėn time, sepse i kam thėnė gjithmonė se kam dėshirė tė jem tamam
shqiptar dhe nuk kam dėshirė qė tė jem tjetėr. Kjo ishte brenda dėshirės
sime, por kur nuk ke edhe tiparet e jashtme tamam si shqiptar krijon atė pėrshtypjen
Si pėrshtypjen ndryshe... nuk i bind njerėzit?
Problemi ėshtė se nė atė moshė kisha nevojė qė ti bindja njerėzit
dhe kur kam qenė nė shkollė...
A jeni gjaknxehtė si shqiptarėt?
Jo, nuk jam, por mos pyesni zyrtarėt e oborrit mbretėror, se do tju
tregojnė se vetėm ndonjėherė jam i tillė. Ata njohin anėn tjetėr.
A ndiheshit ndryshe nga fėmijėt e tjerė?
Unė nė fakt kam pasur njė jetesė ndryshe. Kur kam qenė i ri nuk kam
pasur njė shoqėri tė jashtėzakonshme dhe kam qenė i vetėm edhe nė
familje dhe kam pasur badigardėt rreth meje dhe nė kėtė drejtim ka pasur
Keni dhėnė njė intervistė kur ishit nė moshėn 5 vjeēe pėr CNN.
Pėr ēfarė ishte intervista?
Tė them tė drejtėn, nuk e kujtoj, por kujtoj pėrshtypjen e nėnės
sime. Sipas nėnės sime, nė atė moshė unė kisha dėshirė qė tė tregoja
zgjuarsinė time dhe tė tregoja pa pushim pėr Shqipėrinė dhe pėr
drejtimin e politikės.
Kjo ishte fryma qė kishe marrė nga familja?
Po, qė nė atė moshė kam dashur tė jem ambasador i Shqipėrisė dhe
shpresoj qė ta bėj njė ditė.
Po gjuhėn shqipe si e keni mėsuar, pasi mesa di nė shtėpinė tuaj
nuk flitej shqip?
Po, shumė pak fatkeqėsisht.
Me mėsues privat?
Deri nė moshėn 1 vjeē kam pasur staf shqiptar dhe pastaj kam pasur pranė
nėnėn mbretėreshė, kam pasur fatin se ajo mė ka ndihmuar shumė nė kėtė
aspekt. Po kur jam kthyer nė Shqipėri, u jam futur studimeve tė gjuhės dhe
letėrsisė shqipe. Nė fillim e kam pasur shumė tė vėshtirė me median,
nuk kam qenė i lirshėm, kam qenė i mbyllur, i turpshėm dhe kam pasur
probleme. Tani besoj se jam ēliruar. Dhe tė them tė drejtėn, ky ėshtė
emisioni i parė pas shumė kohėsh qė kam bėrė nė Shqipėri. Kam bėrė nė
Kosovė, por nė Shqipėri ėshtė shumė ndryshe
Nė tė gjitha familjet, njėri nga prindėrit ėshtė mė i afėrt
dhe tjetri mė autoritar. Njėri ofron dashuri, dhe tjetri vendos rregullat.
Si ishte nė familjen tuaj?
Nė Afrikėn e Jugut familja ime ka qenė e kompletuar. Kėtu nė Shqipėri
kam humbur nėnėn, gjyshen dhe kemi ngelur vetėm ne tė dy.
Kur ishit i vogėl, cili nga prindėrit vendoste rregullat?
Babai. Unė kam pasur mė shumė frikė nga babai se sa nga nėna, megjithėse
ajo ishte mė e rreptė, babi nuk mė ka prekur asnjėherė, kurse kur ishte
urdhėr zbatohej menjėherė.
Kur ju ishin nė moshėn 10-vjeēare jeni njohur me nunin tuaj,
Mbretin Budua tė Belgjikės, di qė ėshtė njė histori interesante. Mund tė
na tregoni diēka?
Nėse e kujtoj mirė, nėna ime para takimit kishte shumė emocion qė unė
tė kisha njė prezantim sa mė tė mirė mė kumbarin tim. Unė mėsova tė
gjitha rregullat e prezantimit dhe tė merrja dorėn e mbretėreshės. Kur
erdhi koha unė isha gati i shkolluar pėr atė takim, por kur shkova atje ai
mė dha njė pėrqafim dhe atė ditė ne kemi thyer tė gjitha protokollet dhe
pėr herė tė parė nė pallat u lejua qė tė rrinte qeni i mbretit dhe
ishte njė takim shumė i ngrohtė., nė drekė ai na ka shpėrndarė bukėn.
Si ėshtė jetesa vetėm e njė princi?
Nė Itali unė kam qenė krejtėsisht vetėm, nuk kam pasur as shoqėruesit
e mi dhe mbrojtja ime ishte nga qeveria italiane dhe ia kam kaluar shumė mirė,
Prezenca e badigardėve ta limiton jetėn?
Jo. Pėrgjithėsisht unė kur kam ardhur nė 2002, kam qenė shumė mė i
mbyllur dhe i bllokuar. Tani ėshtė shumė ndryshe dhe di si tė veproj edhe
nė oborrin mbretėror, edhe nė Ministrinė e Jashtme, jam shumė i lirshėm
dhe kam shumė dėshirė qė tė udhėtoj shumė.
Je nė njė bar dhe je i shoqėruar me badigardė, por tė pėlqen njė
vajzė. A do tė shkosh ti ti ofrosh njė pijė vajzės?
Kėtu ėshtė njė debat qė e kam zhvilluar nja dy herė. Unė duhet tė
mbaj njė qėndrim serioz, kurse kur jam jashtė shtetit nuk e mbaj kėtė qėndrim,
sidomos kur jam me princėr tė tjerė. Unė kam disa miq qė kam qenė nė
shkollė dhe kanė qenė si vagabondė.
Tė ndalemi pak kėtu. Kur keni qenė nė Angli ju keni kaluar me disa
shokė tuaj edhe nė Holandė, na e tregoni kėtė aventurė?
Ne kemi qenė nė klasė dhe kemi vendosur ose tė shkonim nė Londėr dhe tė
harxhonin nga 300 pound pėr njė ose dy net, ose nė Holandė dhe tė
shpenzojmė vetėm 50 pound, dhe shkuam nė Holandė dhe kemi ikur me autobus.
E ke ndjerė ndonjėherė vėshtirėsinė financiare kur ishit student?
Kur kam qenė student kam marrė edhe njė rrogė dhe kam qenė me fat,
sepse kam pasur qejf qė tė kisha njė pavarėsi edhe financiare, pasi duhet
tė merrja babanė nė telefon pėr ti kėrkuar ndihmė. Por kam qenė me
Ēfarė pune tjetėr keni bėrė pėr tė pasur njė rrogė?
Nė fakt jashtė oborrit mbretėror unė nuk kam pasur ndonjė punė qė tė
merrja njė rrogė, pasi kam qenė nė shkollė. Unė jam i pavarur nė tė
gjitha drejtimet.
Mė duket disi e pamundur pa njė punė?
Kam pasur bursė nga qeveria angleze.
Ka pasur raste qė keni mbajtur anonim gjakun tuaj mbretėror?
Unė besoj se gjithmonė nė shkollė nuk kam pasur ndonjė nevojė qė tė
them se jam princ. Unė nga puna ime kam treguar veten time dhe gjithmonė kam
qenė shumė i mirė. Nė Itali kam pasur fat qė kam qenė shumė i hapur dhe
komunikoj shumė mirė me njerėzit. Ka qenė pak e vėshtirė, sepse ka kaq
shumė shqiptarė, por kjo nuk ka qenė shumė e vėshtirė, kam qenė edhe nė
konviktet e tyre pėr tė pirė kafe dhe tani vazhdoj ti kem kėta shokė.
Ju keni shpėrndarė 15 bursa pėr fėmijė, pėr policė tė vrarė
ose me vėshtirėsi ekonomike. Pse e keni bėrė? A e shihni veten me
Unė kam fatin qė kam njė emėr si princ dhe jam munduar qė kėtė gjė ta
pėrdor pėr tė ndihmuar tė tjetėr. Shqipėria nuk ėshtė njė mbretėri
dhe kjo do tė thotė se unė duhet tė bėj gjithēka pėr ta mbajtur kėtė
emėr qė kam, nėse kam njė mundėsi pėr tė ndihmuar tė tjerėt me gjithė
shpirt. Unė jam rritur larg Shqipėrisė dhe kjo do tė thotė se kam pasur
njė ėndėrr pėr Shqipėrinė
Kur ka qenė kontakti i parė me shqiptarėt nė Shqipėri?
Nė 2002. Dhe nė atė kohė kisha njė pikėpamje krejtėsisht tė
ndryshme nga ajo qė kam tani.
Si e imagjinonit Shqipėrinė?
Nuk ka pasur pikėpamjen ekonomike, pasi ēdo ditė merrnim raportime pėr
Shqipėrinė dhe kam qenė i detyruar nga babai qė tė dija se si ishte
situata kėtu nė Shqipėri, nė Kosovė dhe nė Maqedoni. Kam pasur njė pikėpamje
pėr ėndrrėn qė kisha. Tani qė jam kėtu e shoh ndryshme, eksperiencat e
mia mė kanė ndihmuar qė tė marr njė vizion praktik se ku duhet tė shkoj
dhe si ta bėj njė punė me kushtet qė kemi kėtu.
Kush ėshtė plaga mė sociale e Shqipėrisė?
Janė shumė. Problemi nuk ėshtė qė tė zhvillohet vetėm Tirana, Durrėsi,
Vlora, duhet tė kemi njė vizion mė tė hapur e tė mos harrojmė se ka shumė
qytete tė tjera qė kanė nevojė pėr ndihmė dhe nė kėtė drejtim. Besoj
se do tė krijojmė hapėsirėn., pasi Kosova tė marrė pavarėsinė, ne
tė krijojmė lidhjet ekonomike duke konsideruar qė Prizreni ėshtė 20 km
larg Kukėsit, i cili ėshtė nė njė gjendje tė tmerrshme.
Rruga si ju duket?
Rruga ėshtė shumė problem dhe duhet parė, pasi rruga ėshtė ēėshtje
kombėtare, sepse ajo do tė japė njė ndihmė tė madhe edhe pėr Kosovėn...
(Pjesė nga intervista
nė emisionin Ne, News 24)
Gazeta Shqiptare du 30/09/2007
jeudi 20 septembre 2007
Pretch Zogay, chef du comité pour les relations politiques extérieures du parlement albanais confirme : « Nous allons reconnaītre un Kosovo indépendant en coordination avec les forces de lOTAN qui ont mené la guerre pour la libération de loccupant serbe » a déclaré lofficiel albanais.
LAlbanie na pas peur de la confrontation avec la Serbie, ni mźme du conflit en cas dindépendance du Kosovo a déclaré Pretch Zogay, chef du comité des relations politiques extérieures au parlement albanais, écrit le journal de Tirana "Korieri". Zogay, qui est en mźme temps député au sein du parti démocratique du premier ministre Sali Berisha, a déclaré que les déclarations "menaēantes" venant de Belgrade sont sans valeur, ajoutant que lAlbanie est prźte en cas de déclaration de conflit. Il a également souligné que lAlbanie va unilatérement reconnaītre lindépendance du Kosovo.
LAlbanie est toujours prźte ą sopposer ą la Serbie si celle-ci provoque un conflit aprčs lindépendance du Kosovo. Le chef du comité a rajouté que la déclaration dindépendance unilatérale est en route.
La journaliste du journal Korieri, Edlira Prendi, a, de faēon "ą demi-ironique", intitulé son article « Pretch na pas peur », comme si elle voulait isoler la déclaration de cet officiel. Elle cite une autre déclaration : « lAlbanie sefforce dentrer dans lOTAN. Elle fait des efforts pour que son systčme de défense sélčve au niveau des standards de lOTAN. LAlbanie est, sans doute, toujours prźte. Mais lAlbanie, aussi, conduit toujours une politique pacifiste. » Comme illustration de cette politique pacifique, Zogay a rajouté que la reconnaissance de lindépendance du Kosovo sera revendiquée en coordination avec les acteurs qui ont « libéré » le Kosovo.
« De toute faēon nous soutiendrons lindépendance que revendique lassemblée du Kosovo. Nous allons faire ceci en coordination avec les forces de lOTAN qui ont mené la guerre pour la libération du Kosovo des occupants serbes » a-t-il déclaré.
Dailleurs, Zogay a remarqué que « le tapage que fait la Serbie » est sans valeur, en faisant allusion daprčs lui ą la position de la politique serbe et du sommet militaire. Il a conclu sa déclaration sur un ton calme et a rajouté que lAlbanie a le souhait et fait en sorte que les problčmes se rčglent de maničre calme, pour que de ce fait lindépendance du Kosovo soit acceptée.
Ces derniers jours a séjourné ą Tirana le premier ministre du Kosovo Agim Ceku. La chaine de télévision albanaise a avant-hier soir parlé de cette visite, relatant que le 1er ministre albanais, Sali Berisha, le ministre des affaires extérieures, Liulzim Basha, et le ministre de la défense, Fatmir Mediju, ont dit ą leur invité que lAlbanie pense que lindépendance est la seule solution pour le statut du Kosovo et quelle est contre tout autre option dans laquelle figurerait un partage.
Ceku a, dans un pays ou sa présence nest pas sujet ą la controverse, donné ą ses hōtes, un contrat que léquipe de négociations du Kosovo - « équipe de lentente » - va proposer ą la Serbie et pour lequel le 1er ministre albanais a exprimé ses remerciements mźme sil croit que des négociations supplémentaires sont une perte de temps. (Déclaration du service officiel de la Radio Télévision Shqiptar)
Ceci est un symbole historique irremplaēable pour la paix dans les Balkans, qui ne seront jamais stables tant que les Albanais et les Serbes ne décident pas de clore les épisodes amers du passé et ne commencent pas ą travailler ensemble vers un avenir européen. Il ne peut y avoir aucune alternative ą lindépendance du Kosovo. Le nettoyage ethnique du pays conduirait les Balkans vers le chaos, une insécurité extrźme, un conflit qui serait surement pire que celui du passé a estimé Berisha.
Dun autre cōté, Ceku a déclaré que le Kosovo est une question seulement européenne et que pour cette raison (avec la base américaine de plus de 300 hectares ą cōté de Urosevac) cest lUnion Européenne qui doit la régler. Il a ainsi appelé lUE ą unifier sa position sur le Kosovo.
LUnion Européenne doit źtre unanime et décidée, elle devrait amener des décisions concrčtes, et non pas autoriser dautres pays ą lui dicter sa politique envers les questions européennes, a dit Ceku, qui a fait la guerre en Europe (Croatie, Kosovo ) pour la gigantesque entreprise militaire américaine MPRI.
En accord avec les informations officielles quil possčde, le service des médias albanais a également fait apparaitre les commentaires des deux premiers ministres, dans un premier temps sur les menaces serbes disant quil y aurait une intervention militaire au cas oł une seule partie proclamerait lindépendance du Kosovo, puis dans un deuxičme temps sur le fait quen Albanie comme en Serbie les habitants ont droit de tout savoir.
« Ceci est une réaction qui relate le fait que leur montre a cessé de tourner ą lépoque de Milosevic » dit Berisha en dévoilant sa pensée sur la mentalité de lensemble des dirigeants serbes. « Ils ne doivent pas présenter ēa comme un problčme entre Serbes et Albanais. Cest avant tout un problčme entre les Serbes et lOTAN. Ils ont une fois de plus démontré quils représentent une menace pour la paix pas seulement au Kosovo mais aussi dans la région » a conclu Ceku en annonēant explicitement de quel cōté lOTAN doit źtre en cas de proclamation dindépendance.
A également donné son avis le ministre de la Défense Fatmir Mediju : « Lindépendance du Kosovo doit źtre complčte. Il ny a aucun doute sur le fait quil ny aura pas de partage du territoire. Il est nécessaire quil y ait une coordination entre les institutions du Kosovo, tout comme une coordination entre tous les facteurs internationaux, surtout avec ceux qui garantissent la sécurité (lOTAN). »
Le ministre des affaires étrangčres Basha a une fois de plus appelé lEurope, lOTAN et les Etats-Unis ą źtre prźts pour une action commune dans la préparation du plan dAhtisaari si on ne trouve pas de solution lors des négociations supplémentaires. Cest sur cette phrase que conclut la chaīne albanaise Radio Télévision Shqiptar.
On compte aussi environ 60 000 Serbes résidant
dans des enclaves isolées parmi les Albanais, protégés par les troupes de
La Serbie ne manquera pas de tirer partie
dun potentiel exode de masse de dizaines de milliers de Serbes de ces
enclaves isolées au sud de lIbar, lutilisant comme un autre argument
en faveur de la partition.
Les États-Unis et les principaux pays de
lUE devraient soutenir la sécession du Kosovo. Des analyses montrent,
tout de mźme, quil reste ą voir si lOccident, risquant un
affrontement diplomatique avec la Russie, celle-ci ayant placé le Kosovo
sur sa « ligne rouge » de sécurité, va rester sur sa position
de reconnaissance de lindépendance du Kosovo ou choisir de présenter la
partition comme « un moindre mal ».
Pendant ce temps, le troc des terres
continue au ralenti : les Albanais vont au sud et les Serbes au nord.
Pour le dire de maničre crue, la province est en train de devenir le lieu
de « retournements de vestes dissimulés ». Le gouvernement
serbe serait en train dacheter des maisons appartenant ą des Albanais au
nord du Kosovo avec laide dintermédiaires. Alex Anderson de lInternational
Crisis Group affirme : « Je nai pas vu les papiers, et il
y a une réticence du gouvernement serbe ą admettre directement ce quil
fait, mais tout le monde comprend ą Mitrovica que cest bien cela qui se
passe ». Pendant ce temps, selon Alex Anderson, la riche diaspora
albanaise achčte toutes les propriétés serbes dans le centre du kosovo,
en payant souvent un prix trčs élevé.
Des analystes soulignent que de telles réalités sur le terrain sont en train de donner des arguments ą ceux qui pensent que la partition pourrait procurer une porte de sortie face au bloquage des discussions sur le statut du Kosovo.
la galerie photos de Jean-Michel Cann sur Mitrovica