the evening of May 4th at this year’s Versailles
Foundation Benefit dinner, His
Royal Highness Crown Prince Leka II of
the Albanians, graced the evening’s
patrons with his presence and with a
spectacular view into the storied past
of his country. The Prince explained the
strong connection to France and to
Versailles, as Albania's independence
was established at the signing of the
Treaty of Versailles in 1919. The
Albanian Royal Family sojourned near the
palace after the fascist invasion of
Albania in 1939.
HRH Crown Prince Leka II of
the Albanians |
Prince Leka spoke of the many facets of
Albanian history with its Greek, Roman
and Ottoman influences, and discussed
the current state of this Republic. His
Highness spoke of the many iterations of
Albanian politics, citing his father,
King Zog as a wonderful example of
Albania's ability to change with the
times, having been both a ruling monarch
and a democratically elected official.
The Crown Prince discussed the close
relationship between Albania and the
United States. Two days later His
Highness is due to personally petition
in Albany The New York Senate and
Assembly with a day of official
recognition to honor the Albanian born Mother
Theresa on
September 4th, the day she was made a
Saint. He then paid special tribute to
the Cadets of VFMAC, to whom he wished
"the very best" and recalled his own
experience as a Sandhurst graduate,
stating that "character built during
training would take one through the
challenges of each ordinary day.”
Prince Leka ended his speech on a joyful
and hopeful note, citing his recent
wedding to Her
Royal Highness Crown Princess Elia of
the Albanians, and the many cultures,
religions, and traditions that were
incorporated into their wedding and how
the peaceful and collaborative
cooperation of the Albanian people may
serve to inspire sustained good will and
close ties between countries, and