Elections législatives du 17 juin 2001
Ecrasante victoire du Mouvement national pour Siméon II (MNS II)
"J'ai choisi la voie du sacrifice..... Le moment du changement est venu"
Devise : "Dieu, roi, parti"
Les 6,4 millions d'électeurs bulgares ont élu à la proportionnelle 240 députés au parlement (Narodno Sabranie) monocaméral pour un mandat de quatre ans, parmi 5.000 candidats de 36 partis.
Les Bulgares ont aussi consacrer le retour politique du roi Siméon II, exilé depuis plus de 55 ans. Le roi Siméon II de Saxe-Cobourg-Gotha, 64 ans, qui n'a jamais abdiqué, empêché par la cour constitutionnelle de se présenter directement aux législatives, a créé en avril le "Mouvement national Siméon II", une coalition avec deux petits partis.
Le taux de participation a été de 70%.
Selon les résultats définitifs de la commission électorale centrale bulgare confirmé le 20 juin :
- Le Mouvement national pour Siméon II (MNS II- Nacionalno Dviženie Simeon Tvori), a recueillit 42,73% des voix (soit 120 des 240 sièges au Parlement)
- La coalition de droite sortante "Forces démocratiques unies" (ODS - Obedineni demokratični sili - composée de l'UDF -S ajuz na Demokratičnite Sili - du Parti Démocratique - Demokratičeska Partija, de l'union Agraire - Balgarski Zemedelski Naroden Sajuz-NS, du Parti Social Démocrate - Balgarska Socialna Demokratičeska Partija et du Parti National Démocratique - Nacionalno Demokratičeska Partija) 18,17% (soit 51 sièges)
- La Coalition pour la Bulgarie (Koalicija za Balgarija) composée notamment du Parti Socialiste Bulgare (BSP, anciennement communiste et dans l'opposition depuis 1997 - Balgarska Socialističeska Partija), du Parti Social Démocrate (Balgarska Socialdemokratičeska Partija), du Bloc des travailleurs unis (Obedinen Blok na Truda), du mouvement social démocrate (Političesko Dviženie "Socialdemokrati"), de l'Union Agraire (Balgarski Zemedelski Sajuz "Aleksander Stambolijski 1899"), 17,14% (soit 48 sièges)
- Le parti de la minorité turque "Mouvement pour les droits et libertés" (MDL - Dviženie za Pravata i Svobodie) 7,45% (soit 21 sièges).
Aucune des 32 autres formations politiques en lice n'a dépassé la barre des 4% permettant d'entrer au parlement (La Coalition ORIM- Gueorguevden a obtenu 3,68% des suffrages et la coalition Eurogauche a obtenu 0,99% des voix (Mediapool)).
Selon un sondage réalisé à la sortie des urnes, 82% des Bulgares veulent cependant maintenir la république, 18% se déclarant en faveur de la restauration de la monarchie.
Rappel des résultats des élections de 1997
l'UFD avait obtenu 52,26% des voix
le PSB, 22,7% des suffrages
Sophia (24/07/2001) : Siméon II devient le nouveau Premier ministre bulgare
"Ce vote est un moment charnière de ma vie et je ferai tout ce que je peux pour le pays et pour chaque Bulgare... Aujourd'hui, on nous donne une véritable chance de guider la Bulgarie vers le XXIe siècle et d'occuper la place que nous méritons dans une Europe unie. C'est le sens de ma vie et la raison pour laquelle je prends cette lourde responsabilité.... Je suis fier d'être bulgare".
Le gouvernement comprenant 16 ministres est composé d'hommes issus du Mouvement national Siméon (MNS, centre-droit), du Mouvement pour les droits et libertés (MDL, turcophone) et du Parti socialiste. Siméon II avait invité aussi dans son gouvernement la coalition conservatrice sortante Forces démocratiques unies (FDU), mais elle a refusé.
Message de félicitations de S.M. le Roi Leka Ier des Albanais
To His Majesty King Simeon II
Dear Simeon,
It was with the greatest joy that we heard the news of your splendid victory in yesterday's elections STOP Please rest assured that my mother, my son, queen Susan and especially myself wish you the greatest success STOP May God be with you STOP
His Majesty King Leka I of Albanians
Message de félicitations de Jacques Chirac
Paris - 19/06/2001
''Je vous adresse mes encouragements les plus sincères à la poursuite des réformes nécessaires à l'adhésion de votre pays à l'Union européenne..... et je salue l'attachement de votre mouvement à la politique d'intégration européenne de la Bulgarie''.
Service de Presse de la Maison Royale d'Albanie
Paris, France, le 21 juin 2001
Nous saluons le peuple Bulgare qui a voté massivement pour des élections législatives marquées par un choix historique, celui du retour de leur Roi à la tête de l'Etat.
Nous félicitons, Votre Majesté Simeon II, pour sa large victoire et soutenons celui qui va guider les réformes en Bulgarie.
Vive le peuple Bulgare, Vive le Roi Simeon II.
Porte-parole de la famille Royale
A.D.C de Sa Majesté Leka I Roi des Albanais
Suleman GJANAJ
Secrétaire pour les Relations Extérieures
du Parti de la Légalité d'Albanie
Patrice NAJBOR
Conseiller du Bureau de Paris
Fax : 01 42 07 57 34
Sofia, April 6, 2001
I do not ignore certain achievements in foreign policy of Bulgaria, or some positive tendencies in economic development during l999 and until the fall of 2000. However, above all is the grief and growing anger of many people. It is neither morally nor politically acceptable that, by European standards of living the majority of Bulgarian people, including those residents in the countryside and small towns, are in misery, while some politicians live in inexplicable opulence; that thousands of our daughters and sons are leaving Bulgaria, forced away by the lack of opportunity; that near half of the voters see no reason or party for which to vote
The political system and its morals need immediate change. There must be integrity, integrity in everything! A critical time has come for Bulgaria and for me personally. I am driven by your confidence in me and the expectations of hundreds of thousands of my fellow countrymen. I am resolute, as never before, to fulfill my historical duty to Bulgaria, if I have your overwhelming support in the coming parliamentary elections.
My fellow countrymen,
Today I want to declare my goal to found and lead a movement in the name of new ethics in politics, new economic decisions, with new (for Bulgaria) ideas, and new leaders. By this address, I set the beginning of the "Simeon II National Movement," designed to achieve three essential goals:
First, immediate and qualitative change in the standards of living, by turning the economy into a working market economy, in accordance with the European Union criteria for membership, as well as by an increase of the flow of global capitol. I am ready to propose a system of economic measures and partnership, which within 800 days and based on the well known Bulgarian work ethic and entrepreneurial skills will change your life.
Second, abandoning the political partisanship and unifying the Bulgarian nation along historical ideals and values that have preserved its glory for all its 1300-year history.
Third, introducing new rules and institutions to eliminate corruption, which is the major enemy of Bulgaria, causing poverty and repelling vital foreign investments.
I am confident that the forthcoming elections will constitute the genuine beginning of the "Simeon II National Movement." By voting for the Movement, you will become its real founders and will elect deputies who are fully committed to its purposes and ideals.
This Movement will be neither a coalition of existing political parties nor a union of political leaders. Political figures or parties are not the MovementÕs target, because I confront no one. The Movement will target exclusively the real daily problems of the Bulgarian people. The "Simeon II National Movement" will propose new ideas seeking public support and consensus for their realization in the name of a better life for all of my countrymen regardless of political affiliation or ethnic origin.
I rely on the unreserved support of all of you who have always trusted me. I rely, especially, on highly qualified young people as my potential strongest ally in achieving the changes I propose. I also rely on thousands of Bulgarians abroad who care for Bulgaria and want to help her.
It is my strong desire to motivate those of you who do not plan to vote on June 17 or will vote driven not by new incentives for change but by stereotypes or fears of returning to the past.
This is the deep meaning of my public role as well as that of the National Movement conceived today.
After my coming meetings with you and led by certain criteria, I will invite the required number of citizens to fill the ticket of the Movement and to commit themselves to the mission of being, in the full sense of the word, the peopleÕs representatives. I would like to see the majority of future deputies consist primarily of people who during the past decade simply worked, struggled, and believed in a better future for Bulgaria. Of course, I will also invite individual who have been involved in politics for their skills and experience, fully realizing that the political storm has spared no oneÕs reputation. I would like women to be a significant number of future deputies, because I believe that their participation in politics could make it more humane and, therefore, more successful. I have always insisted on evaluating people by their competence, and I do not believe in giving positions based on kinship or party affiliation.
I wish to assure you that the "Simeon II National Movement" will have mechanisms for making its deputies directly accountable to the voters. Everyone who accepts my invitation shall commit himself to the Movement purposes, its high requirements for political ethics and shall be prepared to resign if confidence is fulfilled.
My fellow countrymen,
I fully understand the responsibility that I assume today. I have chosen the most difficult path, because this is the only way to launch a new Bulgarian spiritual and economic revival.
Some people claim that the law regulating the establishment of new political parties and movements, enacted just a few days ago, has been designed to prevent you from following me in the way that I propose today. I refuse to believe that this is possible in a developing European democracy like Bulgaria.
IÕm looking forward to further encounters with you. This time our meetings will be of hope, decisiveness, and readiness for a change!
At this historical moment, the only reason for me to be a leader is to work for the good of all in Bulgaria. My strength is in your support! Together we will succeed because "united we stand".
May God help us!
Simeon II
Résultats des élections présidentielles des 27 octobre et 3 novembre 1996
1er tour (%) | 2nd tour (%) | |
Petar Stefanov Stojanov (SDS) | 44.1 | 59.7 |
Ivan Mazarov (BSP) | 27.0 | 40.3 |
Georges Gančev (BBB) | 21.9 | - |
others | 4.6 | - |