of the
The official representatives of the Kingdom of Ethnic Albania, Kingdom of Bulgaria, Independent State of Croatia, Czechoslovak Republic, Republic of Free Estonia, Republic of Poland and Kingdom of Roumania, assembled at a multinational conference in the City of New York on June 28 and 29, 1986 have agreed to conclude and sign a Multilateral Agreement on Mutual Cooperation in their common struggle for freedom, independence and democracy of their nations, and specifically :
Coordinate their efforts in the realm of political activity, in exchange of information, in exchange of specialized personnel and in cooperation of their logistic support units for their respective organizations, for the purpose of combating common enemy and his agents, exposing disinformation and mendacious propaganda stemming from pro-communist sources.
Coordinate their efforts in joint opposition, by political means, against any attempt by a power or nation to negotiate the destiny of another nation to the detriment of its right to struggle for freedom, independence and democracy of its people, or to the infringement of their territorial integrity, or directed toward limitation of their right to maintain the state of belligerency in that struggle, inclading armed action.
Offer sanctuary, support and citizenship in their countries, once liberated, to the citizens and combatants of those countries, which have not yet attained their independence from communist slavery.
The first of our countries which shall achieve this fortunate state shall extend its assistance to the combatants of the other countries still in the state of belligerency against the communist yoke.
All of our strength shall be directed toward their moral, material and political support by virtue of the understanding that the liberation of all is the guarantee that the freedom of the rest will endure.
Denounce and oppose the acceptance of so-called elections which do not originate from the political consensus of the people and are used only for the purpose of coating totalitarian regimes with the patina of legitimacy for consumption by the world opinion.
Expedite the foregoing objectives by organizing Operational Coordinating Centers and the Central European Council which, among other tasks, shall present our cause to the public opinion and seek support for our cause from friendly governments, parliaments, organizations and individuals, willing to reinforce the ongoing struggle for freedom, independence and democracy throughout the world.
ANNEX to the
of the
The High Suhscribing Parties have resolved to invite the Provisional Governments of Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania and Ukraine to join the Central European Community and designate their Delegates to become members of the Central European Council.
The High Subscribing Parties have resolved to grant the Associate Membership in the Central European Council to political bodies representing Hungary, Latvia, Lithnania and Ukraine, which have the intention to organize its own national Provisional Gowernments in Exile, until such state authorities are formed and until they will become eligible for full membership in the Central European Communily.
Considering the fact that some non-European Nations are signatories of identical Multilateral agreement along with the Member-Nations of the Central European Community, the Kingdom of Ethnic Albania and the Independent State of Croatia, the High Subscribing Parties have resolved to grant the status of Permanent Observers to the Central European Council to the :
Provisional Government of the Republic of Angola in Exile,
Provisional Gowernment of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan in Peshawar,
Provisional Government of the Republic of Cuba in Exile, and
Provisional Government of the Republic of Nicaragua in Exile,
and to consider them as close allies of this Central European Community.
The Secretary of the Council shall be authorized to extend our invitation to these Governments and ask them to designate their Representatives to the Central European Council.
Signed and sealed the City of New York
On this 27th day of September, 1986
ESTONIA : (-) H.E. Elmar Lipping, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Government of republic of free Estonia in Exile. |
For the KINGDOM of
BULGARIA : (-) Hon. Radi Slavoff, Representative of the Bulgarian National Front,for the Royal Court of Bulgaria. |
For the REPUBLIC of
POLAND : (-) H.E. William K. Viekman, vActing Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Government of Republic of Poland in Exile. |
STATE of CROATIA (-) H.E. Prof. Zarko T. Krezic, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Croatian Provisional Government in Exile. |
For the KINGDOM of
ROUMANIA : (-),H.E. Dr. Cornel H. Petrassevich,President of the Roumanian National Committeee for Liberation for the Royal Court of Roumania |
REPUBLIC : (-) H.E. Jan Kuncir, Acting Foreign Secretary of the Interim Government of Czechoslovaria Republic in Exile. |
For the CENTRAL EUROPEAN COUNCIL : Coordinator and Secretary of the Council (-) H.E. Konstantin Siegfried Baron von Hanff, Ph. D. , Undersecretary of State of the Government of Republic of Poland in exile. |