Spécial Albanie
Elections municipales du 18/02/2007
The country's 2.9 million voters were
choosing mayors and councilors for 67 towns and cities
and 317 other local councils. AG
RFE/RL NEWSLINE Vol. 11, No. 33, Part II, 21 February 2007
still to be announced, Albania's largest opposition bloc, headed by
the Socialist Party, appears to have scored significant successes in
many urban parts of the country in local elections on February 18.
According to local media, the Socialists have already secured control
of the cities of Berat, Durres, Elbasan, Korca, Lushnja, and Vlora,
as well as the capital, Tirana. Victory in Tirana would mean that Edi
Rama, the party's leader, would retain the post that catapulted him
into the national spotlight. This would be Rama's third term in the
position. The main battle line in the elections was between the
10-party governing coalition led by Prime Minister Sali Berisha's
Democratic Party and the five-party opposition grouping led by Rama's
Socialist Party. Estimates suggest Berisha's bloc will retain control
of the north and take over several small towns from the Socialists,
AFP reported on February 20. The turnout remains unknown. The Central
Election Commission said on February 20 that the vote count was
progressing slowly in numerous polling stations owing to
"disagreements" between rival parties and "technical problems,"
according to a spokesman quoted by AFP. The Greek Foreign Ministry on
February 20 voiced concern about alleged problems in the vote in the
southwestern town of Himare, whose outgoing mayor is ethnic Greek,
the Athens-based paper "Kathimerini" reported on February 20. Street
fights led to arrests in the town early in the election campaign (see
"RFE/RL Newsline," February 15, 2007). The country's 2.9 million
voters were choosing mayors and councilors for 67 towns and cities
and 317 other local councils. AG
local elections would burnish Albania's tarnished democratic
reputation were dashed when, on February 19, a 400-strong monitoring
team sent jointly by the Organization for Security and Cooperation in
Europe (OSCE) and the Council of Europe concluded that the elections
"represented a missed opportunity to conduct elections fully in line
with international commitments and standards for democratic
elections," AP reported on February 19. Joseph Borg of the Council of
Europe criticized "procedural shortcomings which disenfranchised many
eligible voters." Another criticism was that the "electoral
environment was marked by uncertainty and lack of trust between key
election stakeholders," according to Jorgen Grunnet, head of the
mission of the OSCE's Office for Democratic Institutions and Human
Rights. "After the 2005 parliamentary elections, we said these were
the best elections held in Albania, " AP quoted Grunnet as saying. "I
don't think you will find it in the text this time." The team's
conclusion overshadowed earlier claims by Prime Minister Berisha, who
hailed the elections as "the best ever held in Albania," the ATA news
agency reported on February 19. President Alfred Moisiu said after
voting on February 18 that "these elections are of great importance
to Albania and its integration with the European Union and NATO," and
Berisha said free and fair elections were "the most precious present
to Albania and to every Albanian because the nation and the country
needed to dissociate itself from the undignified and primitive
discussion of the electoral process." The vote was not marred by a
repeat of the violence that has scarred most previous elections.
However, an always bitter and sometimes fractious campaign became
increasingly tense in its final days with the publication of photos
of the Socialist leader Edi Rama naked and an explosion at a
restaurant in Tirana that occurred shortly after Rama had left. There
has been no further information about the incident, which the deputy
interior minister on February 15 linked to a property dispute
involving the restaurant's owner (see "RFE/RL Newsline," February 15
and 16, 2007). AG
Data: 21/02/2007 PLL, 1 bashki dhe 20 komuna tė fituara nė rang vendi. |
Lėvizja e Legalitetit e drejtuar nga Ekrem Spahia, pjesė e
koalicionit qeverisės Aleanca e Madhe, njoftoi dje se rezultatin pėrfundimtar
tė zgjedhjeve qė konsiston nė fitoren e bashkisė sė Krujės dhe
20 komunave nė rrethe tė ndryshme tė vendit. 1.
LULZIM HAXHI GUNI Bashkia Krujė 2.
JUSTI ABAS ZYKA Komuna Cukalat, Berat 3.
RAHIM MYRTEZAN LALA Komuna Muhurr, Dibėr 4.
RUFAT MEHMET SHOTI Komuna Reē, Dibėr 5.
ARDIAN XHEVAHIR ZENELI Komuna Stravaj, Librazhd 8.
AGIM RAMAZAN XHAJA Komuna Pėrparim, Peqin 9.
ARDJAN MITI SHURDHAQI Komuna Grabian, Lushnje 10.
ALTIN QAZIM BREGASI Komuna Selitė, Mallakastėr 11.
ARTUR YLBER AGOLLI Komuna Progėr Devoll 12.
RUSHAN HAZIS ĒELA Komuna Dardhas, Pogradec 13.
KUJTIM MUSTAF GJOKA Komuna Bushtricė, Kukės 14.
VESEL ISMAIL SHEHU Komuna Grykė-Ēaje, Kukės 15.
FERIZ AHMET HOXHA Komuna Bytyē, Tropojė 16.
FRAN GJOK FROKAJ Komuna Shėnkoll, Lezhė 17.
NIKOLIN MARASH LLESHAJ Komuna Selitė, Mirditė 18.
NDOC MARK PRENDI Komuna Blerim, Pukė 19.
FAZ TAHIR SHABAJ Komuna Postribė Shkodėr 20.
YMER GJERGIO MARKU Komuna Bėrxull, Tiranė |
Legalistėt fitojnė krerėt e 20 njėsive tė qeverisjes vendore
Partia Lėvizja e Legalitetit, nė zgjedhjet vendore tė 18 shkurtit, arriti tė fitojė kryetarėt e 20 njėsive tė qeverisjes vendore nė gjithė vendin.
Ky rezultat ėshtė inkurajues pėr legalistėt, tė cilėt arritėn tė zgjerojnė hartėn e fituesve tė tyre qė nga Shkodra, Dibra, Kukėsi, Kruja, Berati, Librazhdi, Lushnja, Pogradeci, Devolli e deri nė Mallakastėr. Nė njė komunikim me mediat, sekretari i Pėrgjithshėm i PLL, Artan Tujani, konfirmoi 20 emrat fitues tė kėsaj partie: Lulzim Guni (Bashkia Krujė), Justi Zyka (Komuna Cukalat, Berat), Rrahim Lala (Komuna Muhurr, Dibėr), Rufat Shoti (Komuna Reē-Dibėr), Agim Selita (Lis, Mat), Muharrem Kurti (Rukaj, Mat) Ardian Zeneli (Stravaj, Librazhd), Ardian Shurdhaqi (Grabian, Lushnjė), Altin Bregasi (Selitė, Mallakastėr), Artur Agolli (Progėr, Devoll) dhe Kujtim Gjoka (Bushtricė, Kukės). Po ashtu, PLL ka rezultuar fituese nė komunat: Bėrxull-Tiranė, Postribė-Shkodėr, Blerim-Pukė, Selitė-Mirditė, Shėnkoll-Lezhė, Bytyē-Tropojė, Grykė Ēaji-Kukės dhe Dardhas-Pogradec, komuna kėto qė pėr katėr vitet e ardhshme do tė drejtohen respektivisht nga zotėrinjtė Ymer Marku, Faz Shabaj, Ndoc Prendi, Nikolin Lleshaj, Fran Rrokaj, Feriz Hoxha, Vesel Shehu dhe Rushan Ēela.
Krerėt legalistė e vlerėsojnė kėtė si rezultatin mė pozitiv tė arritur ndonjėherė nė historinė e zgjedhjeve pluraliste tė kėtyre 15 viteve tė fundit, rezultat ky qė, sipas tyre, reflekton edhe njė rritje tė dukshme tė pėrqindjes elektorale nė shkallė vendi.
PD fiton 60% tė bashkive dhe komunave
Zėdhėnėsja e fushatės elektorale deklaron se mazhoranca ka marrė drejtimin e 10 qarqeve nga 12 qė ka vendi
Zėdhėnėsja e fushatės elektorale tė PD, Majlinda Bregu, deklaroi dje se nė zgjedhjet vendore tė vitit 2007, koalicioni qeverisės ka thelluar mazhoritarin e tij dhe rezulton tė jetė fitues nė 10, nga 12 qarqe qė ka vendi. Zėdhėnėsja Bregu informoi se koalicioni i djathtė ka fituar konkretisht nė Qarkun e Vlorės, Gjirokastrės, Korēės, Elbasanit, Tiranės, Durrėsit, Lezhės, Dibrės dhe tė Kukėsit. Sipas saj, nė diskutim ėshtė edhe Qarku i Fierit dhe nuk kanė ardhur rezultatet e pritura edhe nga Qarku i Beratit. "Nė rrafsh elektoral, koalicioni qeverisės ka thelluar mė tej rezultatet e 3 korrikut, duke qenė mė shumė mazhoritar sot se sa nė zgjedhjet e 3 korrikut", deklaroi zėdhėnėsja e fushatės sė PD-sė, Bregu. Sipas tė dhėnave tė deklaruara nga PD, rezulton se: Nė Qarkun Vlorė, nga 26 njėsi vendore, koalicioni "Aleanca e madhe" ka fituar 19 prej tyre, 5 bashki dhe 14 komuna. Nė Gjirokastėr, nga 31 njėsi vendore ka fituar 21 prej tyre, 5 bashki dhe 16 komuna. Nė Korēė, nga 36 bashki dhe komuna, ka fituar 19, nga kėto 2 bashki dhe 17 komuna. Nė Kukės, nga 27 bashki dhe komuna ka fituar 21, tė tre bashkitė dhe 19 komuna, nga 24 gjithsej. Nė Elbasan, nga 51 njėsi vendore, ka fituar 28 prej tyre, nga 45 komuna ka fituar 26 komuna. Nė Durrės, nga 16 bashki dhe komuna ka fituar 12, 5 komuna nga 10 dhe 4 bashki nga 6. Nė Lezhė, nga 21 njėsi vendore ka fituar 16, nga kėto ka fituar 3 bashki dhe 13 komuna. Nė Dibėr nga 38 njėsi vendore ka fituar 31 prej tyre 4 bashkitė dhe 27 komuna. Nė Tiranė, nga 31 bashki dhe komuna, ka fituar 19, nga 6 bashki ka fituar 4 dhe nga 22 komuna, ka fituar 15. Duke bėrė publike shifrėn e bashkive dhe komunave qė janė fituar nga koalicioni qeverisės nė zgjedhjet pėr qeverisjen vendore, zėdhėnėsja Bregu theksoi se ky koalicion ka fituar shumicėn e njėsive vendore nė gjithė vendin. "Pra, nė total, nga 67 bashki kemi fituar 38 prej tyre ose 57% dhe nga 308 komuna kemi fituar 181 prej tyre, osa 59%. Pra, koalicioni mazhoritar ka fituar nė rang kombėtar 60%", deklaroi zėdhėnėsja Bregu. Nė vijim, ajo informoi se ndėrkohė nuk janė zhvilluar votimet nė 7 njėsi vendore dhe janė bllokuar nga socialistėt dhe nė 7 njėsi tė tjera. Lidhur me opozitėn, Bregu nėnvizoi faktin se elektorati i forcave tė majta ėshtė zvogėluar ndjeshėm, krahasuar me zgjedhjet paraardhėse. "Si elektorat, opozita nė kėto zgjedhje, nė krahasim me ato tė vitit 2005, ėshtė zvogėluar me 15%, ndėrsa krahasuar me vitin 2003 ėshtė zvogėluar me 25%", tha zėdhėnėsja e fushatės sė PD-sė, Majlinda Bregu. Ajo theksoi gjithashtu se pavarėsisht se Partia Demokratike nuk ėshtė konfirmuar nė 3 bashki, Korēė, Elbasan dhe nė Lushnje, pėrsėri mazhoranca e ka zgjeruar hartėn e saj elektorale dhe ka thelluar fitoren nė rang kombėtar.
Anila Shamku
Korrieri - 20/02/2007 - Rezultatet sipas partive per bashkite
Nėntė parti tė maxhorancės arrijnė marrėveshjen : Partia Demokratike, Partia Republikane, Partia Demokrate e Re, Partia Demokristiane, Partia Agrare Ambientaliste, Partia Bashkimi Liberal Demokrat, Partia Lėvizja e Legalitetit, Partia Balli Kombėtar dhe Lėvizja pėr Zhvillim Kombėtar
Faqe 2/3 - Politikė
zgjedhjet lokale |
Nėntė parti tė maxhorancės arrijnė marrėveshjen |
Firmoset Aleanca e Madhe, Dule braktis Berishėn |
Adi Shkėmbi
Partia Demokratike zyrtarizoi dje krijimin e koalicionit zgjedhor pėr zgjedhjet lokale. Koalicioni do tė pėrbėhet nga 9 parti, me tė cilat PD-ja do tė ketė marrėveshje kombėtare, ndėrsa me PBDNJ-nė do tė ketė marrėveshje lokale nė Bashkinė e Selenicės dhe nė 14 komuna, kryesisht nė jug tė vendit. PBDNJ-ja ishte partia e vetme qė mungonte dje nė tryezėn e thirrur nga kryeministri Berisha pėr nėnshkrimin e marrėveshjes. Kreu i PD-sė zbuloi njėkohėsisht edhe emėrtimin e koalicionit. Aleanca e Madhe do tė jetė emėrtimi i koalicionit tė qendrės dhe qendrės sė djathtė qė do tė regjistrohet nė KQZ. Koalicioni PBDNJ Zonat e negociuara PR* 4 bashki 30 komuna PDK* 6 25 PAA 3 19 PLL 1 14 PBK 1 12 PDR 1 23 LZHK* 0 6 PBLD 1 4 PBDNJ 1 14 PBKD 0 1 * Kanė edhe nga njė minibashki nė Tiranė |
President Moisiu with the signers of the electoral agreement.
The signing of the agreement for the local elections 2007.